Friday 19 November 2021


Copyright DC COMICS

I think it was 1974, but it could've been the previous year as we holidayed in Blackpool two years in a row.  If it was '74, that was the very last holiday I ever had because when I started work at 16, I never had another one.  Anyway, I remember seeing an eight inch Mego Superman action figure in a shop window, and by the time I'd managed to persuade my parents to give me the money for it (out of my holiday dosh, which they looked after), we were well-past the shop.  I had to run back, hoping that it hadn't sold in the meantime, as I imagined might happen with Supes being so popular.

I needn't have worried.  He was still there, so I entered the shop and purchased him.  At 15 (or 14 if it was '73) I was probably too old for such a toy (maybe even any toy), but this was one I simply had to have.  And that's why, dear Crivvie, I recently bought a replacement for it, which arrived at Castel Crivens just a short time ago.  Truth to tell, it's not exactly a 'replacement' as it has an updated head and the costume sports some differences, but it is a genuine Mego figure, albeit one issued in 2020, not the 1970s.  (I've included a picture of the original, culled from eBay, so that you can compare the two.  Mine came in a box though, not a bubble-card.)

Anyway, I haven't ruled out buying an original at some point, but the contemporary version will suffice for the nonce.  Alas, I'm now (and have been for a long time) far too old to actually play with any of my collectable toys - they function more as ornaments than playthings, but at least I can still derive pleasure from simply looking at them in their allotted place.  Any of you Crivvies ever have any Mego Superhero figures back in the day?  Do tell!


  1. I had several. Captain America (stil have but broken neck), Spidey ( have but rubber broken ), Thing ( have broken leg), Thor( have in one piece) , Iron man and Torch ( stolen by bad nephew). lizard and Goblin ( have in one piece).

  2. That's a good collection, PS. I've seen new Mego-type articulated bodies on ebay, so it might be worth considering buying a couple to effect repairs.

  3. No superhero figures but I did have POTA, Star Trek and (I think) Space 1999 figures.

  4. I've got the reissues of the Mego Kirk, Spock, and Uhura figures, CJ. I think I've got around ten Mego figures altogether.

  5. Oops, my mistake, I've just remembered that the Star Trek figures aren't by Mego. That takes the number down to seven, but as I've just bought The Rocketeer figure a few minutes ago, that takes it up to eight.

  6. I have a Superman based on the early 196Os version (not Mego etc) but I think it's cool and a Catwoman based on the Bruce Timm Batman animated series . Sadly mine are only 6 inches ☹️

  7. I've got a couple of those Superman figures too, McS (if it's the same one I'm thinking of), and they're very good indeed. I've also got a Catwoman figure (based on the Bruce Timm one), but it's only around three inches - it came with a McDonald's meal I think, around a third of my life back.

  8. I picked mine up in T K Maxx about 7 years ago , I had a Hulk as well but gave that to a friend's wee boy I really like the Bruce Timm inspired figures and might get a Dr Fate one soon. Despite my love of superhero comics I never had any of those Mego figures as a kid, I had a Batman and Robin Cherilea figures ( think that's the name) back in the 1960s ( I think you showed these on your site a few years ago) but can't recall any others.

  9. Back in the '70s, McS, I don't think I saw any Mego figures anywhere (apart from ads in US comics), except for that Superman one in Blackpool - I'd probably have bought more if I had. As well as the Cherilea B&R figures, Marx did a couple of Batman figures - one a twistable and one a poseable - I've got the former, but not the latter, though I had it as a kid.


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