Saturday 20 November 2021


Here's a nice, slow, relaxing ballad from Jim
Reeves to soothe your heart and mind, and make
you feel refreshed after listening to it.  Wish I could
 sing like this.  In fact, I wish I could sing.  


  1. That'll be 'smoooooooth', as there's no 'e' in smooth. Despite the spelling, I agree.

  2. Kid, I thought you didn't publish anonymous comments?

  3. As a rule I don't, CJ, but if you'd been paying attention (tsk, tsk) you'd have noticed that I occasionally relax the rule and publish non-vitriolic anonymous comments. Besides, he or she's obviously a Jim Reeves fan - how could I not?

  4. Actually, Kid, I did notice that you sometimes publish anonymous comments!

    I've just been watching 'ABBA In Switzerland' on BBC iplayer. I'd never seen this programme before but apparently it was originally broadcast on Easter Monday 1979. I was only 13 at the time and here I am 42 years later finally watching this enjoyable programme!

  5. I remember going to my local cinema with three or four pals back in the '70s to see the Abba movie, CJ. Not so much for the music, we just fancied the two burds.

  6. Just checked, CJ, and Abba The Movie was released in December 1977, which means I probably saw it in 1978 as my local cinema always got films later than just about every other place. Don't really remember anything about the movie though, except for the blonde burd's @rse. (Me, sexist? Never.)


ALL ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED UNREAD unless accompanied by a regularly-used and recognized
name. For those without a Google account, use the 'Name/URL' option. All comments are subject to moderation and will
appear only if approved. Remember - no guts, no glory.

I reserve the right to edit comments to remove swearing or blasphemy, and in instances where I consider certain words or
phraseology may cause offence or upset to other commenters.