Sunday 28 February 2021


You may remember several posts (npi) back I showed you a pair of post/pillar box money banks I'd recently acquired to replace a couple I bought in 1978.  Back then I gave one of them to a friend, and kept the other until 1989, when it got damaged beyond repair and was reluctantly disposed of.  I very much regretted its fate, and started buying other post/pillar boxes to fill the space of my original one, and I believe I said I'd show you them when I got the chance.  There's yet another trio or so tucked away somewhere, but I'll add them when they eventually show up.

In the meantime, here are the ones that were readily to hand for photographing, followed by the replacements of my first one, originally purchased in Southsea in December of 1978.  Apart from the brass one above, none of the 'new' ones are necessarily shown in the order of acquisition.  Any other Crivvies got a collection of money banks, especially post/pillar box ones?  Or am I the only one brave enough to admit to my obsession?  Tell all in the comments section.

When you tap the top... lights up.  Looks better in the dark

And below is the pair of replacements for the ones I bought back in 1978 - with a friend (who predates them).


  1. I have no addiction or interest in buying the old money banks that I used to have as a kid, but it is really nice to see them again. I remember we used to have a slim silver bank (don't think it was a Royal Mail one) that you saved old sixpence pieces in (2 1/2 n New Pence) I think they were called "Tanner Banks" and when full you had a £1. Strange when folk mention piggy banks etc that one always comes to mind.

    Ours was a bit like the ones in the link below but seems smoother and a bit more substantial (although that may just be my old man memory)

  2. Ooh, I'll take a wee look at that link, McS. I've got other money banks that aren't post/pillar boxes, so I'll show them in a future post once I remember where they are.

  3. When I was a young 'un, I acquired a reputation for being able to repair broken clockwork toys, alarm clocks and even once a radio. I was given a broken 'Thing from the Addams Family' bank shaped like a coffin. After a little work on it, I got it working so that a skeletal hand would reach out and grab a coin placed on it, much to the envy of older cousins who had scorned it while it was 'broken'.

    Even better was when I swapped a few comics for a broken Palitoy talking Dalek. I fixed it and got him talking again (although he was quite a limited conversationalist), made a replacement sucker arm from a straw and a Lego piece, and painted him black and silver. His previous owner didn't recognise him and asked me what I'd swap it for!

  4. Unfortunately, the original bank sustained a dent that was impossible to repair as I couldn't gain ingress into the interiors to bash out the dent. I tried removing the top to see if I could do it that way, but unfortunately, that just made it worse as the top didn't want to come off. Nowadays I'd just learn to live with it.

    I remember these banks with the hand, but never had one.

  5. The only piggy bank I ever owned was a proper pig-shaped one made of bronze-coloured plastic which my gran gave me. You got the coins out via a stopper on the underside but I recall the stopper being incredibly difficult to remove. I didn't keep the piggy bank for very long and just resorted to keeping my coins in a jar.

  6. I've got a few piggy banks as well, CJ, as well as banks in the shape of safes or cash dispensers, etc. I've even got three different Yogi Bear banks. Considering the number I've got, you'd think some of them would have some dosh in them, but no! I don't actually use any of them for saving money. Weird, eh?


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