Saturday 27 February 2021


Copyright DC COMICS

Here's a little belter of a comic from 2006 that's worth having just for the cover alone.  I was considering bidding on it from reader DS's eBay ad, but then I saw one I could buy right away without having to wait.  That always clinches it for me, unless the 'buy it now' price is too prohibitive and there's a chance I might get one cheaper if I'm prepared to wait and see how high the 'bid' price goes to.  Y'know, I'd have used this Superman figure on the '30s to the '80s book (seen a couple of posts back) as it's more impressive than the one they published.  This one's by Curt Swan and Murphy Anderson, and you  can't do better than them.

I might scan and print out this cover as an A3 poster and hang it on my wall - it's a stoater!  If you haven't got this issue and would like one, why not bid on DS's copy?  His eBay seller name is davstron.


  1. Thanks for the plug, Kid, although I wish I'd known you were after this comic- I'd have given you it as you were kind enough to send me a copy of Warlord a few years back.

    I will be listing more stuff over the new few weeks- have been a bit delayed as I've been so busy at work. I'm not complaining though, I count myself very lucky to be working when so many other people have lost their jobs through no fault of their own in recent times.

  2. I only knew about this comic because you were selling it, DS, and I meant to bid on it but missed my chance when it expired while I was having a kip. Then you relisted it, but it was several days to go so I just bought it outright from another seller. (I'm very impatient when it comes to waiting for things.) Hopefully you'll have no bother shifting it. I'll take a look at your other stuff when it's listed.


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