Wednesday 20 January 2021


Sybil Danning...

Yes, I know Christmas is over, but
as I awoke to freshly fallen snow (really
must get my roof fixed), I thought a pic of
the sensational Sybil in a Santa hat would
be appropriate.  I'd sure like to wake up on
Christmas morning with her in my stocking
- or vice versa.  (Relax, I'm sure she has a
 sense of humour as well as looks.)


  1. You can tell I am getting old, as my first thought was, gee,I relly like wide suspenders, they are so comfortable!

  2. And mine was 'Hey, a place where I can park my bike!' Then I realised I don't have a bike. (Can tell you're American because we call them 'braces' in the UK.)


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