Thursday 21 January 2021


A good story about an eBay seller...

The badge is around the size of a £1 coin

Bought a badge on eBay last week, and it arrived with a noticeable bump on the front, caused by the clasp on the back pressing into it.  Could've been inadvertently sent that way, could've received too much pressure on it in the post, dunno.  I managed to flatten it a good deal, but throughout the day it niggled me, so I contacted the seller and asked if he'd sell me another one at the same price as the first, which had been a 'bid on' item that I'd won.

Guess what?  He replied, saying he'd send me a perfect one free of charge.  Happy ending, so top marks go to daves_scooter_shack.  However, you inquisitive Crivvies may be wondering why I want a badge with Yogi Bear on a scooter.  I've never worn a badge in my life (apart from my Plastoid Batman badge as part of my homemade costume when I was a kid), but I occasionally collect certain badges, though I'm highly selective about which ones.

Title card from the 21st Yogi cartoon

The badge looks like a screen-grab from a Yogi Bear cartoon called Scooter Looter (the 21st Yogi cartoon, shown in the US on the Huckleberry Hound Show on March 19th 1959 - title card above), which perhaps inspired the Marx Toys friction-drive Yogi scooter back in the early 1960s, so I thought the two would complement one another.  That's the toy below (my very own) and it's about as hard to find in that condition (with box) as the LP Toys Space Blimp Of Christmas.  In fact, both toys are difficult to find in any condition, boxed or not.

So that's the story.  Now you can all rest easy in your beds tonight, knowing that a perfect Yogi badge is going to pop through my letterbox any time soon.

Inspired by the cartoon perhaps?


  1. There are some genuinely nice folk on ebay who like to do the right thing with their buyers. Great to hear you got to deal with one of them!

  2. Actually, I've dealt with quite a few, DS, but it's always the baddies that stick in your craw, ain't it? B*st*rds!

  3. Love that Yogi Bear scooter toy by Marx Kid. A nice find. Marx's scooters with Thor and Spidey et al are a real hoot too. I think Jack Rosenthal of JR21 saw the Marx scooters and created a range of his own animal scooters of the same quality and box styles, with non-TV character puppies and bunnies riding them. I didn't have any first time round in the Sixties but have managed to pick a couple up since and are fun to collect.

  4. And the Marx 'Marvel' scooters can cost a fortune, Woodsy. I also had a Marx Goofy on a scooter, and also one with a policeman, which I'd like to own again if I can get them at a reasonable price. My top three, of course, are Yogi, Space Blimp, and Gemini Space Capsule. A trio of great friction-drive toys.

  5. A great collection Kid. Well done!

  6. Ta much. There's probably only about another half-dozen toys (that I remember) I'd like to replace before I can call it quits.


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