Sunday 31 May 2020



Way back in 2001, the first issue of a 12-part limited series made its debut, featuring The FABULOUS FANTASTIC FOUR.  The comic was ever-so-modestly (yes, I can do irony) christened The WORLD'S GREATEST COMICS MAGAZINE, and was a homage to the classic strips by STAN LEE & JACK KIRBY, drawn by various artists emulating (some better than others) the drawing style of Jolly Jack.  However, even the few issues that didn't exactly replicate JK's art style still managed to capture its spirit, and Stan Lee himself even scripted the last in the series.

It was collected into a hardback book in 2011 and, though I actually possess all 12 individual original issues, I've scanned the covers on view here from the collected edition simply because I'm too lazy to hunt through boxes and cupboards to find them.  However, I'm sure all you Crazy Crivs won't mind that in the slightest, so peel back your peepers and enjoy these magnificent MARVEL images in all their glory.  And if you'd like to leave a comment saying how much you appreciate them, then I won't object in the slightest.  (Go on - you know you want to.)

Update: Incidentally, having just re-read the book again, I was reminded of a glaring howler within its pages.  DOCTOR DOOM believes he's killed the Cosmic Quartet (in #6), yet later (in #8) one of his underlings says that The AVENGERS and the FF drove back SUB-MARINER's sea creatures and this elicits no surprise from Doom, who says that Richards can't stop him.  Then, in #11, Doom again says that the FF are dead, but in #12, talks as if Reed's still alive and shows no surprise when challenged by Reed near the end of the story.

Talk about inconsistency.  Maybe, if Marvel ever reprints this book, they can fix this boo-boo by revising the lettering where required.  Anyone else spot this error?

And below, if you can bear some slight repetition, are the front and back covers of this valiant volume.  Might still be in print if you'd like to track down a copy.


  1. Loved this series and did the same as yourself,bought individual issues and also the book.Thought it caught the mood very nicely.Your post brought up a thought I had many years concerning Jack Kirby leaving Marvel.Have no idea about all the details but by all accounts Jack Kirby was a workaholic and a family man.He came across as an honourable man and basically a decent human being.Bearing this in mind,I remember reading in Bullpen Bulletins page that he was leaving and Stan noted the month,possibly some time in March 1970.He said the Jacks work would continue to appear for several months to come which suggested Marvel had plenty of time to smooth his departure.What happened however was the 100th issue celebration of FF which was apparently meant to be a double sized issue, was followed by the worst ever issue of the FF where they fought the Maggia(i loved it but it was poor) and followed that with the 1st issue of a 3 part story knowing that Kirby would not be around to finish it!Strangely unprofessional and similarly Thor had a sudden switch with kirby doing Silver Surfer and Buscema drawing Thor! Was this a test to see if JB could handle Thor or a final throw of the dice to give JK back the Silver Surfer and hope he would stay?Similarly Marvel commenced a 3 part Thor story which JK would not finish and they knew this with Neal Adams finishing the last 2 issues which were neither a regular Marvel comic nor a Neal Adams spectacular,but a strange curiousity that was neither nor!Once again I loved them all at the time and still do but looking back it was a mess.Not sure if Jack was at fault for not giving Stan more notice(which I would doubt)or Stan was not prepared for his leaving.The line in 1970 had shrunk dramatically with a wave of cancellations ie Shield,Dr.Strange,Captain Marvel etc. so not sure.Bit off point with my 50 year old mystery but would enjoy your thoughts.Stay well everyone.

  2. Comments like yours, Triple F, are very welcome, and make up for all the times no one comments on my posts, so ta much for taking the time and trouble.

    As for Jack leaving Marvel, I rather had the impression (from what I've read) that Jack handed in his resignation with his last job, though there were a few Kirby-drawn issues still to see print, giving Stan (barely) time to assign new artists and finish off the stories that Jack had started. Without checking the dates they were published, I'm not sure if Buscema's Thor ish was just to give Jack time to draw that Surfer issue, but it seems a reasonable assumption as it was just a swap between titles for each artist.

    It also makes me wonder if there was no #19 of SS because of Jack's departure, as Stan may have decided it was pointless to continue with the title. After all, if it wasn't selling with Buscema at the helm, what other artist could rescue it after Kirby jumped ship? I know Stan later said that he just didn't have the heart to make the Surfer 'savage' (and that may've been part of his decision), but it's more than likely that, had Jack been the intended new artist on the mag, his departure to DC sealed the Surfer's doom. Of course, it could've been that some exec saw the sales figures for the previous few issues and just decided to pull the plug. (Similar to what happened with Amazing fantasy #15, despite it being intended as the first in a new direction for the mag.)

    Thanks for such a thought-provoking comment, FFF.

  3. So which of the artists on WGCM did best in doing homage to Kirby?

  4. I'd say Ron Frenz, inked by Joe Sinnott and also Al Gordon, GP.


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