Saturday 30 May 2020


What do you make of Dominic Cummings?  He's one of the shiftiest-looking individuals I've ever seen so perhaps it shouldn't surprise me that he's a lying piece of sh*t.  Even if we were to accept his excuse that he was testing his eyesight when he drove 30 miles to Barnard Castle (not counting the 250 miles he drove from London to Durham), surely that's even worse?  "I'm not sure I can see properly, so I'll get in my car and drive 30 miles, potentially endangering other road users as well as my wife and son."  Tosser!  (The fact that it was his wife's birthday on the day of their Castle visit was mere coincidence.  Aye, right!) 

Boris Johnson has shot himself right up the @rse by backing him, and the other Tories trying to gloss over Cumming's indiscretion have sacrificed any remnant of integrity they may have had by doing so.  Now that Corbyn's gone, Labour's chances of winning the next general election must surely have improved because of the double-standards displayed by the government and they've only got themselves to blame.  I can't think of a more blatant instance when a government has come out with such a crock of sh*t when trying to sweep wrongdoing under the carpet.

They must think we're all a bunch of cretins if they imagine for even a second that the public can't see what's gone on here - one law for the plebs and another law for them.  They all deserve a really good kicking - especially the weaselly, odious Cummings.  Got any thoughts on the matter, Crivvies?  Then you know where the comments section is.  Incidentally, I'm not being partisan here - what disgusts me is their lying and double-standards, not their political beliefs.  It seems to me that all politicians are nothing but professional liars.

Or do you think it's all a media witch-hunt on someone undeserving of it?  Cast your verdict now! 


  1. Hes an arrogent5, eletist ar*se - as Stan would say "Nuff said!"

  2. . that's Dominic Cummings not you lol

  3. Betcha there are those who would say I fit the description as well, McS. Loveable moi? Who'da thunk it?

  4. All I have to say is this

  5. Ta, PS, I'll take a look.

  6. Took a look, PS - thing is, Cummings doesn't deny going to Barnard Castle so it appears that he was definitely there.

  7. What's so special about Dominic Cummings anyway? He's treated like some kind of super-intelligent guru but all he did was invent the phrase "Take Back Control" for the Brexit referendum, something any competent ad-man could have done. And even that phrase would have got nowhere without Boris Johnson to sell it.

  8. There's nothing special about him, CJ. The only people who seem to think that there is, is Cummings himself - and seemingly Boris. The other Tories who publicly defend him are merely doing what the boss wants.


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