Sunday 31 May 2020


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I was thinking earlier (I do a fair bit of that) about which full sets of comics I have in my collection, and was surprised to realise I had several more than I'd first estimated.  For example, I have a full set of SUPER DC, a UK monthly comic that lasted for 14 issues, plus I also have the Annual (described as a 'Bumper Book') that accompanied the series.  In fact, I have two complete sets of each.

Then I have a full set of KNOCKOUT from the '70s, comprising 106 issues, two Holiday Specials, and 13 Annuals.  But I'm getting them out of sequence - earlier comics were FANTASTIC and TERRIFIC, the former consisting of 89 issues, one Summer Special and three Annuals, the latter only 43 issues (no Annuals or Specials).

What's next?  All 15 issues of SCREAM!, plus five (I think) Holiday Specials  (I don't think there were any Annuals), as well as all 11 monthly issues of MARVEL UK's INDIANA JONES and its Christmas Special.  Also, all 58 issues of The TITANS weekly comic (and two Annuals), plus all 13 issues of the monthly Pocket Book of the same name, and also complete sets of The FANTASTIC FOUR Pocket Book, and also HULK Pocket Book.

Then there's 54 issues of DCT's The CRUNCH, all 50 issues of Marvel UK's The SUPER-HEROES, all 18 issues of The SAVAGE SWORD Of CONAN, all 19 issues of DC'S The SUPER HEROES, three Annuals and (arguably) two Spectaculars.  Also, not forgetting all 27 DOCTOR WHO CLASSIC COMICS and its Holiday Special.  And that's only British comics, I'll have to have a long hard think about my US ones, so that's a future post.

What have I missed?  Oh, 37 issues of The COMPLETE FANTASTIC FOUR and one Annual (issued after the comic's demise, but prepared while it was still being published).  Then there's all 95 issues of the revamped SMASH!, two (and a half) Summer Specials (the 'half' was combined with a VALIANT SS), and six (IPC) Smash! Annuals.

Oops, also forgot about all 39 issues of CAPTAIN BRITAIN (plus all 14 monthly issues from around the mid-'80s), 11 issues of The DAREDEVILS, all 17 issues (I think) of the first The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL monthly (and Special), plus every single issue (however many that is) of PANINI's MWOM.  Oh, and BIG BEN (18 issues). Anyway, do any of you Crivs have complete sets, and which one could you never part with.  Feel free to visit the comments section and tell all.


  1. Almost a complete run of Journey Into Mystery/Thor. Until it was cancelled the first time . I’m strangely losing interest in it apart from the JIM 83. I’m feeling that strange feeling many comic fans feel. Too much change to the character has alienated him to me.

  2. Yeah, I feel like that with many characters now, PS. They're just not the characters I grew up with. It's as if comic publishers have decided to ignore readers of a certain age and try and appeal to a whole different audience.

  3. Hi Kid,

    I have full collection of Vulcan from 1975/76 - all issues only distributed in Scotland, followed by remaining issues distributed in UK, plus 1 annual and 1 summer special issue.

    All issues of Action from 1976 prior to removal from distribution due to complaints about high levels of violence, plus 1 annual and 1 summer special issue. Not interested in Action after it returned from this hiatus, as it was a pale shadow of it's former greatness.



  4. I have the Vulcan Annual and Holiday Special, D, and used to have all the weekly issues. I remember some got damaged and I wrote to IPC to buy some replacements (this was when the comic was still being published) and carefully supplied them with the issues' dates as they were unnumbered (apart from #1 I think). I got a letter back telling me my dates didn't make any sense, and it wasn't until years later that I learned that Vulcan was on sale in Scotland first, hence the English IPC worker being confused. I'd supplied her with the dates of Scottish issues, and as she was only an office secretary (or something), she was unaware that Vulcan existed before it went on sale in England.

    Sadly, I've only got one ish of the weekly Vulcan, but maybe I'll get some more before I fall off the twig. I never bought Action, not sure why, can't remember if I ever saw it at the time. If I did, perhaps it was the awful, ugly, typeset lettering that put me off. However, well done you for having such a striking collection.

  5. I've got Volumes 1 and 2 (in e-book form) of the new Savage Sword Of Conan from last year - there were 12 issues of SSoC released but Volume 2 only includes #6-11. The comic has now been cancelled so it seems #12 won't appear in collected form.

    I don't own any physical comics but I did once own the complete run of Captain Britain (39 issues), The Complete Fantastic Four (37) and Rampage weekly (34 issues).

  6. I'm not sure we can count e-books, CJ, otherwise I could claim to have every issue of TV21, and Countdown, simply because I've got them on discs. (I also have a number of individual issues as well though.)

    Rampage is another weekly I used to have a full set of, but now I've only got the first few issues. I do have a complete set of Captain Britain - did I mention that in the post? If not, I'll add it.

    1. I sold my full run of Captain Britain back on the 70s! I thought what a lame character he will never be worth any money . And... he’s still not worth a lot but now I’m sad I sold him . Yes I drew in the comics and cut them up for the pin ups .

  7. I gave mine to a pal back in the '70s, but kept #1. Then, in the early to mid-'80s, I managed to build up another set of them. A couple or so years back, I re-acquired my very own issue of #10 from the guy I'd given them to back in the '70s, as it held special memories for me. I thought it was an okay little comic.

  8. Starting in 1961 and ending in 1977 I have the complete set of these:

    Title Number
    Amazing Adult Fantasy* #8-14
    Amazing Adventures (V. 1)* #1-7
    Amazing Adventures (V. 2) § #1-39
    Amazing Fantasy § #15
    Amazing Spider-Man #1-170
    Annuals/Giant-Size #1-10/1-5§
    Spectacular #1-2
    Spectacular (2) #1-5
    Arrgh § #1-5
    Astonishing Tales § #1-36
    Avengers #1-200
    Annual/ Giant-Size #1-7/1-6
    Black Goliath § #1-5
    Black Panther § #1-15
    Captain America* #100 -214
    Annual/Giant-Size #1-4/1
    Captain Marvel #1-62
    Annual #1
    Captain Savage § #1-19
    Cat § #1-4
    Chamber of Chills §§ #1-6
    Chamber of Darkness #1-8
    Champions § #1-17
    Combat Kelly § #1-9
    Conan, the Barbarian #1-77
    Annual/Giant-Size #1-2/1-4 §
    Creatures on the Loose* #11-36
    Daredevil #1-145
    Annual/Giant-Size #1-4/1
    Dead of Night #11
    Defenders #1-51
    Annual/Giant-Size #1/1-5
    Devil Dinosaur § #1-9
    Doc Savage § #1-8 §
    Doctor Strange #169-183
    Doctor Strange Volume II #1-28
    Annual/Giant-Size #1, 1
    Eternals § #1-19
    Annual #1
    Fantastic Four #1-416
    Annual/Giant-Size #1-12/1-6
    Fear § #1-31
    Frankenstein § #1-17
    Ghost Rider #1-24
    Giant-Size Super-Heroes* #1
    Giant-Size Super-Stars* #1
    Giant-Size Chillers Vol. 1* #1
    Giant-Size Chillers Vol. 2 § #1-3
    Giant-Size Creatures* #1
    Hero For Hire* #1-16
    Howard the Duck #1-14
    Annual #1-6
    Incredible Hulk § #1-6
    Incredible Hulk Vol. II* #102-212
    Annual/Giant-Size #1-5/1
    Inhumans § #1-12
    Invaders #1-22
    Giant-Size #1
    Iron Fist #1-15
    Iron Man #1-101
    Annual/Giant-Size #1-4/1
    Iron Man & Sub-Mariner § #1
    Journey into Mystery* #83-125
    Annual #1
    Journey into Mystery II §§ #1-5
    Jungle Action #6-24
    Ka-Zar #1-20
    Ka-Zar Quarterly § #1-3
    Kull #1-20
    Logan’s Run §§ #1-7
    Machine Man #1-9
    Man-Thing § #1-22
    Giant-Size #1-5
    Marvel Chillers § #1-7
    Marvel Feature Vol. I #1-12
    Marvel Feature Vol. II #1-7
    Marvel Premiere #1-37
    Marvel Presents § #1-12
    Marvel Spotlight Vol. 1 § #1-33
    Marvel Super-Heroes §§ #12-20, 23
    Marvel Tales §§ #30
    Marvel Team-Up #1-55
    Annual #1
    Marvel Treasury #1, 13
    Marvel Two-In-One #1-28
    Annual #1-2
    Master of Kung-Fu* #17-51
    Annual/Giant-Size #1/1-4
    Monsters on the Prowl §§ #9-16
    Ms. Marvel #1-4
    Nick Fury (S.H.I.E.L.D.) § #1-18
    Not Brand Echh/Brand Ecch § #1-9
    Nova #1-12
    Omega § #1-10
    Power Man* #17-40
    Annual/Giant-Size #1/1
    Red Wolf § #1-9
    Savage Tales #1-2
    Sgt. Fury §§ #1-120
    Annual #1-7
    Shanna § #1-5
    Silver Surfer § #1-18
    Graphic Novel #1
    Skull § #1-7
    Son of Satan § #1-8
    Special Marvel Edition #15-16
    Spectacular Spider-Man: § #1-2
    Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 2 #1-6
    Spoof § #1-5
    Strange Tales #101-181
    Annual #1-2
    Sub-Mariner #1-72
    Annual #1-2
    Supernatural Thrillers § #1-15
    Superman Vs. Spider-Man #1
    Super Villain Team-Up § #1-13 Giant-Size #1-2
    Tales of Suspense* #39-99
    Tales to Astonish* #27, 35-101
    Thor #126-266
    Annual/Giant-Size 2-6/1
    Tomb of Dracula § #1-70
    Giant-Size #2-5
    Tower of Shadows § #1 -9
    2001: A Space Odyssey § #1-10
    Warlock § #1-15
    War is Hell § #9-15
    Werewolf by Night § #1-42
    Annual #2-5
    Where Monsters Dwell #15
    Wizard of Oz #1
    World’s Unknown § #1-8
    X-Men #1-66/94-108
    Annual/Giant-Size 1-2

  9. Very impressive, Barry. Wrap them all up and send them to me at once. I'll even let YOU pay for shipping. However, they're not all complete sets because some of the titles continued to be published after you stopped buying them. By 'complete' I meant from the first issue to the very last. I'm pleased to see that I've got some of the sets on your list, plus some sets NOT on your list, though in the latter's case, that's because you'd given up buying comics by then.

  10. I had a complete set of the 90s Spectre series, all 63 issues and an annual.

    I was offered silly money by someone for them and foolishly accepted as I needed the cash at the time. It was a great price, but I'd rather have the comics now, to be honest. It is one of my favourite comics ever, and in my opinion the best thing DC published in the 90s.

  11. Have they ever been reprinted in a collected edition, DS? I know it's not quite the same thing, but at least you'd still be able to read them. I don't recall seeing that series, so I'll maybe keep an eye out for a reprint volume myself.

  12. The first 12 issues or so have been reprinted. I did get about 20 issues at a back issue sale a while back- one of those fill-a-shortbox-for-£50 sales, so may look to rebuild the rest of the run through Ebay. Shouldn't imagine the issues would be too expensive.

  13. Hopefully you'll get them for less than you were paid for your originals, DS.


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