Monday 1 June 2020


I don't, but I do have the PLAYING MANTIS/JOHNNY LIGHTNING reissue from around 20 years ago.  (Actually, I've got two.)  That's him above with a shrink-wrapped replica of the box from the '60s.  I was surprised to discover that though the good Cap's feet can be moved up and down, they can't be turned from side-to-side like ACTION MAN/G.I. JOE or TOMMY GUNN, and I wondered if this was only on the reissue?  If you have an original figure, could you do me a favour and check whether his feet turn sideways, and let me know?  Ta much.


  1. I don't have one anymore.

    AFAIR, the feet on the original turned up and down (so you could slide them into the boots when changing costumes), but not sideways.

  2. Thanks, TC. Actually, a dim memory of you having told me before has just resurfaced, but obviously I had forgotten until you reminded me. Old age, eh?

  3. I Have The Re issue Too, And Dr Evil, and the 2 Green hornet Clothes & Accessories Sets, I Also bought 2 of the Wave 2 Marvel sets, Thor & Wolverine, i sold the Thor one
    both Really nice, i was hoping for A Batman reissue set that would have been great.
    Really like the Long box version Kid, mine is the Gatefold big box, which isn't as nice, same for Dr Evil too.

  4. When I first bought one, it was the Green Hornet set I was sent, RD, but I returned it because I wanted just Captain Action in his own box. Having said that, the box, drawn by Carmine Infantino, wasn't as good as the original, which is why I later bought a reproduction of it. Playing Mantis later issues a version of CA with more painted detail on his face and I bought that one too, as well as Dr. Evil and Kid Action (originally Action Boy). I also bought a Lone Ranger mask and outfit for him, though I'd have preferred the Phantom's, but that was sold out.

    I never saw the figure in the '60s, only the ads in US comics, so it was great to finally obtain him. There was a new version issued a few years later, which was much more dynamic. This might be the Wave 2 one you refer to.

  5. Cap was a much sought after toy. I only knew one kid who had one. It was deffo a premium item.

  6. Yeah, though he had a relatively short life compared to G.I. Joe and Action Man. I would've thought that he'd have been around for longer.

  7. Action Man despite being basically being redone by Palitoy, really came into his own with the armies of the world costumes from WW2 . I had many of the British uniforms and even the German one. These would never be sold in the US but in Britain there was more of a sense that these were historical in nature and not a celebration of war.

  8. I think Palitoy had a longer run of success with Action Man that Hasbro did with G.I. Joe, PS. Maybe that's why Hasbro brought back AM a good few years back and not Joe, though it wasn't the classic face and body on the new version.

  9. Don't have a Captain Action of any sort and didn't as a nipper Kid. To e honest I don't remember him at all. Its only as an adult that I came across the Captain's universe and all the outfits, so I bought a re-issue Green Hornet carded outfit in 2001, when in New York from a shop called Mid Town Comics. I got more stuff as well for my toy fair stall. In a fit of zeal I then started to collect genuine pieces of the Captain Action original Green Hornet outfit and managed to get quite a lot of it over time before collecting fatigue set in so I sold what I had. I've a brilliant book called Action Figures of the 1960's by John Marshall, who adores Captain Action. Some of the parts like Aqualads are so fragile and scarce. I've always wanted to see the Silver Streak car in the flesh but nada. Not even at Henry Cook's brilliant Memorabilia show at the Birmingham NEC in the late 90's/ early 00's. Congrats on your fab looking re-issue fig and box.

  10. I've got that book by Marshall, Woodsy, it's a good one. There's also a book devoted to Captain Action by TwoMorrows Publishing, which is on the blog somewhere. I'd love a Phantom outfit for my CA, but I've never really tried to track one down - maybe one day. And I'll have to see about obtaining the revamped, bigger, bolder Captain Action figure from a few years back. Come that Lottery win, I'll finally get everything I ever wanted - just before I fall off the twig.


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