Tuesday 17 March 2020


Here's big BORIS KARLOFF as depicted in the 1935 movie The BRIDE Of FRANKENSTEIN, wherein he reprised his 1931 role as 'The Monster'. LON CHANEY Jr. and GLENN STRANGE both gave creditable performances in later portrayals of the 'patchwork' creature, but for my money no other actor managed to capture the 'dead-but-alive' look that Karloff The Uncanny so convincingly conveyed.  What say the rest of you Crivs? 


  1. Don't forget Fred Gwynne from The Munsters :D

  2. I didn't forget him, CJ. Remember, he was playing Herman Munster, not the Frankenstein Monster.

  3. Get thee to the BBC iPlayer and watch Secrets of the Museum from week before last. Some great footage of a stand-in Karl off dummy from Bride, and examination of the amazing efforts of the V&A museum to preserve it.

  4. Thanks for that, OD - I'll check it out when I get a spare mo. I think I may have seen a photo of it before.

  5. Ah Karloff's monster. Yep. Its THE monster Kid. I had a large black and white poster of him above my bed as a nipper. Thats long gone but I did bag a rolled poster in a tube al9ng with the original rubber creepy crawlies about 15 yrs ago. From the Monster Company. I think its the colourised version.

  6. I've got a big Universal Studios standee of Frankie up in my loft, Woodsy. More like Glenn Strange than Boris Karloff, but the two weren't dissimilar under certain lighting conditions.

  7. Boris was best.


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