Wednesday 18 March 2020


Copyright DC COMICS.  Cover art NICK CARDY

Here's yet another of those 'CLARK KENT and SUPERMAN together' covers that DC COMICS liked to tease us with every now and again.  I had this comic back in 1973 or '74, but I don't remember too much about it, which is unusual for me (though I do recall buying it).  To be honest, I probably only bought it because of BATGIRL's appearance as I'd had a 'crush' on her since reading 'The MILLION DOLLAR DEBUT Of BATGIRL' back in the late '60s.

My youthful attraction to Batgirl was primarily due to CARMINE INFANTINO's and SID GREENE's rendition of her, and though not all artists managed to do her justice, the memory of her initial outing often made me pay more attention than usual to any mag she was in or on, resulting in me purchasing it.  In fact, I've just bought the one above on eBay so that I can remind myself of the story and delve once again into the delightful depiction of BARBARA GORDON in her skin-tight cossie.

Yes, I know - I'm a perv.  What of it?  Fancying a drawing is pretty harmless (if sad).


  1. I do like a good superman story, as crazy as some of them are, especially the 60's ones, i have a lot of the 'Worlds finest' and 'Giant size' issues..on another note.. hope your staying safe during the current crisis (i guess that's what it is)I'll certainly have a lot of time in the next few months, to catch up on all your posts I've missed over the last few years!...i don't think we've experienced anything like this in our life time, i guess closest was the mid 70's miners strike, and the 3 day week, which when the power went down just as 'Hawaii Five o' started in our house, it was certainly a crisis! i remember missing the start of Dr Who as well, nothing obviously compared to people dying at the moment, scary times.

  2. Staying safe so far, RD, hope you are too. I remember the Miners' strike plus power cuts and 3 day weeks, which makes me feel like the Ancient One's dad.

  3. I love DC comics from this era they always had great covers. I think it's best to avoid the news for a while and reread a good selection of comics like these, that'll get us all through this stay/ work from at home period.

  4. The things of our childhood and youth are comforts indeed, eh, McS? One of my old primary school pals gave me a present of the very first TV Tornado Annual this afternoon, so I'm going to be having another look through that shortly. Never had it back in 1967/'68, but it somehow feels like I did.

  5. Yes We have Comfort Viewing Comics & Annuals, I'm Currently working my way Through lion & Thunder from the first Combined issue of 1971, Jon Pertwee's Dr Who, and The Avengers & The likely lads...All Classic.

  6. Talking of Thunder, RD, I always thought it was a shame that it didn't get beyond 22 issues as a solo title. Do you have the three Lion & Thunder Summer/Holiday Specials?

  7. Lion and Thunder was a great read lots of excellent stories and art, enjoy Rob. I'm working from home so no real free time during the day but plan to catch up on a few gems from yesterday in the evening starting with a few 60s Mighty Comics then POW and Wham!

  8. Yes I remember having them all at the time,and i still have them now, I loved Thunder,it was and still is, one of my all time fave comics.
    One of the Summer Specials (the steel Commando Cover one) i remember well from a holiday in Bournemouth reading it in the caravan my folks had rented...I do wish it had carried on, but i really liked Lion & Thunder too, i don't remember being too disappointed when it Merged because i really got into Spellbinder & Zip Nolan, and Mowser!..Jet was a very similar comic, which i really liked, although when that finished, i didn't bother with Buster & idea why, as I've since got quiet a few issues, and that is also great.

  9. I enjoyed Lion & Thunder too, McS. Actually, it was more like Thunder & Lion to begin with as it had more Thunder strips than Lion ones. I think that changed over time once the inventory of Thunder strips was used up.


    I've got a few issues of Jet, RD, must track down some more one day. I've got several issues of Lion & Thunder, including the first three and all of the Christmas issues as well. Happy days.


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