Monday 16 March 2020


With the sad news of comedian ROY HUDD's passing, I was surprised to learn that his long-running radio show The NEWS HUDDLINES ended in 2001.  19 years ago?  Really?  It seems like only a year or two at the very most since I last heard it on the radio, not the duration it actually is.  In fact, I didn't even know it had actually been cancelled, assuming, on the few occasions I ever thought about it, that I'd probably just not heard it in a while.  Ahh, where does the time slip away to when we're not looking, and why are we not aware of it until long after the event?  (A bit like our childhoods, in fact.)

Condolences to Mr. Hudd's family, friends, and fans.  


  1. I'm not a great radio listener at all but I went through a brief phase of going to watch radio shows being recorded back in the late 90's, and The News Huddlines was one...I'm glad I got to see Roy and June Whitfield in some capacity. I was only watching Up the Chastity Belt this last weekend and Roy turned up in that - sadly he hadn't showed up on TV for years so it was a pleasant surprise to see him suddenly out of the blue and be reminded of him...and now this sad news today. God bless you Roy, wherever you are...

  2. Apparently, HS, the show was cancelled by Roy himself, as he'd just been given a regular role in Coronation Street and didn't think he could do both. Around 35 years back, a friend of mine at the time, who was trying to start a career as a joke writer, sold a few jokes to Roy's show. Or maybe he just sent them in and they were used, but he claimed to have been paid if I recall rightly. And no, his career never took off, but that was probably because most of his jokes were sh*te.

    Yes, it's a shame about Roy - 85 isn't even considered old these days, is it? It would've been nice if he'd had at least another ten years before going to perform in that great radio show in the sky.

  3. Roy Hudd was actually 83, Kid, not 85. But RH pops up regularly on Radio 4 Extra, for example Huddwinks from 1988 which was recently broadcast. Roy may be gone but he lives on thanks to Radio 4 Extra :)

    Best wishes during this Corona Virus crisis. I imagine things could be difficult for you in your situation caring for your mother.

  4. I thought they said 85 when I first heard it on the radio, CJ, but I've now amended it.

    And that Corona Virus would never manage to squeeze under the cellar door since I fitted a draught-excluder.

  5. No, I haven't amended it after all because I said it in a comment, not the post. Ah, well.

  6. Roy Hudd was loved and respected by many of his contemporaries. He was a great historian of years gone by and kept it alive with his infectious enthusiasm for the theatre and stage. He will be missed.

    Jones Johnson.

  7. Yeah, he was probably the last of the old-time music hall entertainers. Such a shame, JJ.


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