Saturday 29 February 2020


Three years ago, in one of my 'TEENAGE TALES' posts (to see, click here), commenter GERRY expressed an interest in seeing more of the photos I'd taken of the now demolished original HAIRMYERS HOSPITAL, which was replaced nearby with a brand new building.  (It doesn't have the charm of the original hospital, looking more like a factory warehouse.)  So here, for Gerry, is the first batch of photos I took sometime back in the late '90s or so.  This post probably won't be of much (if any) interest to the rest of you Crivs, but don't worry - I'll hopefully have something nice for you in the next post.

Gerry, if you see this post, leave a comment to let me know, and I'll start scanning the next batch of photos for part two.  This current lot are more the surrounding area and out-buildings than the hospital itself, but the next lot cover the main buildings. (The last photo in this post was taken in 1988, a few years before the others.  The first two in the next batch were taken at the same time.) 


  1. Fantastic ! Now in my 35th year working there. Those pictures are “my” Hairmyres thank you so much for posting these :)

  2. Sadly, I don't think where I got them developed did them justice as they're a bit dark, so when I locate the negatives I might get them done again. Another 22 photos still to show, G, so keep a lookout for them.

  3. Will do, these are a real treat , thank you :)

  4. I'll try and get them scanned in the next couple of days, G.


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