Saturday 29 February 2020


Copyright DC COMICS

I've already got this tale a couple of times over (at least) in different reprints, but I'm a sucker for facsimile editions which capture the mood of the original mags and the time in which they were first published, so this one I just had to have.  If you're a fan of The FLASH, I reckon you'll want to have this one too.  Your local comicbook shop beckons, so what's stopping you?  This is the ish that set up the whole DC EARTH 1 - EARTH 2 concept, so it's a certified collectors' item.

Incidentally, nothing to do with the above, but Happy Birthday to anyone born on the 29th of February.  It only comes every four years, so make the most of it!


  1. I was only just reading about a woman born on February 29th 1920 who is celebrating her 25th birthday today. What a great story :D

  2. Bet she doesn't look 25 though, eh, CJ? Just imagine if people born on a Leap Year aged four times slower as the rest of us - they'd have longer childhoods and remain younger looking adults (when they eventually reached that stage) too. There's a story in there somewhere.

  3. Which may be why Superman hasn't aged noticeably since 1938.

  4. Well, February 29th was once reputed (and may still be) to be Supes' birthday in DC continuity, TC, so maybe you're right. His official age in the 'Bronze Age' was supposed to be 29, so DC seems to have a fondness for that number. I don't know what age the post-Crisis (the first one) Supes was meant to be though.


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