Saturday 29 February 2020


Copyright DC COMICS

Here's another welcome new arrival at Castel Crivens - a DC DOLLAR COMICS edition of DETECTIVE COMICS #554, featuring the all-new BLACK CANARY.  Must confess that I don't know anything about this one, but you'd have thunk (love that word) with a name like that, she'd have been black, eh?  No doubt if this were a comic for today (and not a reprint from 1985), she would be.  (In fact, having just spotted an ad in the back, I think she now is!)


  1. I think the film has cast a black lady as Black Canary so no doubt DC will have a comic of the film presenting this version of the character (film audiences seem to only be able to link a characters ethenicity to their name) BC is one of my favourite female characters especially the Bruce Timm cartoon version.

  2. Don't think I've seen the Bruce Timm version, McS, so i'll keep an eye out for it. I quite like his style.


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