Friday 20 December 2019



I just can't help myself!  Not content with owning two copies of the original The ETERNALS #1 comic mag from 1976, I also have at least a couple of the TRUE BELIEVERS version, and now I've bought the facsimile edition to add to my collection.  That's it above (arrived today), and it's a pretty faithful replica (ads and all) of the debut issue of JACK KIRBY's closest MARVEL equivalent to his DC NEW GODS mag from way back when.

If you missed this mag first time around and the TB reprint passed you by, now's your chance to turn back the clock to when you were a carefree youth in the sizzlin' '70s.  Don't miss out again - available now!


But this wouldn't be a Crivens! post if there weren't some element of criticism about it, now would it?  Look at IKARIS and in which direction he's indicating.  Presumably, the glow in the sky is where the returning gods are approaching from, but Ikaris isn't gesturing (or even looking) in that direction.  He's pointing to the left, but the glow is approaching from the right - in fact, it's debatable whether he'd even be able to see it from where he's standing/looking.  To paraphrase the late ERIC MORECAMBE, Jack's drawn all the right elements, but not necessarily in the right order.  Or am I just being too darn pernickety?


Anonymous said...

Sorry to nitpick but The Eternals first appeared in 1976, not 1975.

I've just bought Savage Sword Of Conan #12 and I've discovered it's the final issue. Conan will continue but in other comics and series. I should have realized - nowadays comic titles mostly have quite short runs. I've got 5 of the 12 issues of SSOC and it's been nice to buy a comic with exactly the same title as the 1975 UK weekly - Savage Sword Of Conan, not THE Savage Sword Of Conan - because I first discovered Conan in that short-lived weekly from so long ago :)

Kid said...

You nitpick away, CJ, I do it all the time. Actually, I meant to type 1976 and obviously just hit the wrong key and never noticed. I've now amended it to the correct date. Let's hope Marvel UK/Panini do a Conan Collectors' Edition - that'd be nice, eh?

Anonymous said...

I've also received the £10 voucher I was promised for taking part in the annual National Survey of Wales. Apparently it can be spent in lots of shops but I think I'll keep it as a memento.

And yes, a Conan CE would be nice but would my local Tesco stock it? They only sell half the current CEs.

Kid said...

Nah, I think you should send me that voucher, CJ, so that I can spend it in my local shops. Hey, it's Christmas.

If Tesco didn't stock a Conan CE, CJ (were there to be one), you could always take out a subscription. Problem solved.

McSCOTTY said...

I really enjoyed Kirbys run on the Eternals and I'm looking forward to the new film. Can't understand the need to get multiple copies of the same book Kid especially when you have the groovy 70s original, but if it makes you happy go for it.

Kid said...

I'm not sure I understand it either, McS - just put it down to 'collector's compulsion'. Though perhaps it's the slight differences between various editions which is what attracts me to them. I always find such things fascinating. Oh, excuse me - just spotted a tiny bit of silver paper glinting in the glow of the street lamp - must go and stare at it for hours. What fun!

McSCOTTY said...


Kid said...

I'm here all week.

Dave S said...

I had the original of this many years ago, bought in one of those old- fashioned, slightly seedy second-hand bookshops that had huge teetering stacks of books, comics and magazines in no particular order (the one I went to had a little alcove full of porn mags, there would occasionally be some guy furtively browsing them while I was preoccupied going through huge piles of comics, looking for treasures). I sometimes wonder what happened to all their stock when most of those shops disappeared in the 80s.

Kid said...

I've still got my original copy purchased in 1976, DS, plus a spare one I bought in the late '80s or early '90s. I probably bought my first one in John Menzies, which had a goodly supply of US Marvel mags back then, but the same premises became WHS at some stage (the '90s?), and they don't stock any US comicbooks as far as I know. I get most of my comics by post these days as I don't get into Glasgow as often as I used to, but I miss buying American comics from ordinary newsagents, which you could still do up to around the mid-'80s.

Dave S said...

Indeed- WHSmith and John Menzies in Argyle Street were where I bought a lot of comics in the 80s. Best thing was that they simply placed them all on the shelf in one huge, thick stack so you had to search through them all to find what you were looking for. There was a real thrill to that for me, it felt like prospecting for gold.

Kid said...

Prospecting for gold - I like that - it's exactly what it was like. And the feeling of triumph one got when a cracker was spotted - brilliant. I remember once going through a pile of US comics on the bottom shelf of (I think) an R.S. McColl's in another neighbourhood and finding The Saga Of The Swamp Thing #1. (1982?) I nearly put it to the side of me while I continued looking, but then I spotted someone hovering just off to the side of me, waiting for a chance to nab it. As it was the only copy, I held on to it while I skimmed through the others, then bought it. Still have it today in pristine condition. I wonder if the other guy ever managed to track one down.

Dave S said...

Up til at least the mid-90s, there was a newsagent in the South Side of Glasgow that used to get the entire line of DC comics and stack them in one huge pile - it was from there that I found Adventures of Superman 474, the Christmas-set comic that I mentioned on another post that I like to read each year at this time.

Picked it out of the pile, paid for it and sat on a wall in the local park reading it til I realised it was starting to get dark.

Kid said...

Done that myself a few times and have very happy memories of sitting in the advancing darkness, lost in the pages of a comic. The one disadvantage of a pile like the one you describe is that previous searchers sometimes bend back the comics on top and crease the spines, instead of being a bit more careful.

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