Friday 29 November 2019


Copyright relevant owner

I may previously have heard the name of ODDBALL OATES from commenters on the blog, but I don't remember ever seeing it prior to recently acquiring the first combined issue of LION & EAGLE in which the strip made its debut.  Semi-regular reader McScotty will be pleased, because I believe it's one his favourite strips from his youth.  Disappointingly, my copy of the comic had four missing pages (don't worry, I got a full refund), so if you have this issue and can help me out with scans of them, then let me know in the comments section.  (Update: Replaced the missing pages with facsimiles, then later managed to buy another, complete copy.)


  1. Nice to see some Oddball art from the great Tom Kerr. I'm afraid I dont have many issues of Lion and Eagle with this strip so I'm afraid I xant help you out OO was one of these zany UK strips that just resenated with me ditto the White Eyes and House of Dollman

  2. Tom Kerr was a great artist. If I remember rightly, he also drew the first Adam Eterno episode. Top Stuff.

  3. Yeah thars right and I think a few of the early Chatlie Peace and Billy's Boots strips as well. I missed his seeing art years ago not knowing he moved to Look in etc CMA comic k rarely bought Great artist

  4. Yeah, he got around. He even drew the second Janus Stark episode. Great artist indeed. You got a hangover, McS, or are you sending comments on your mobile again?

  5. It's my old mobile and on the train travelling home from work, sorry my eyes sing what they used to be I still haven't gotten around to purchasing a new laptop.

  6. Working on a Saturday, McS? Now that's what I call dedication. You need one of those old person's 'phones with the big digits. My eyes are terrible now as well. Horrible getting old, ain't it?

  7. Christopher Nevell1 December 2019 at 09:53

    I had an eye test yesterday and it seems it’s varifocals time...!

  8. It'll probably be hearing aids for us all next, CN. I think our sight fades as we get older so that we can't see our wrinkles in the mirror, and our hearing goes so that we can't hear the neighbourhood brats calling us names.

  9. My eyesight not too bad but def need glasses to read/type etc, but not to drive lol. Sometimes you just have to laugh at the effects of old age... the alternative is worse. Yeah some of us work weekends (in my case rarely) Kid at busy times.

  10. Yeah, that's what I need glasses for, but sometimes I can get away without them - depends on how tired I am, lighting conditions, etc. When I was freelance, I often worked on weekends, 'cos sometimes it was the only way to meet deadlines. I only face one deadline now and I'm not looking forward to it.

  11. Hi Kid
    Try this link for all the Oddball Oates adventures in one place


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