Friday 26 April 2019


JERI RYAN looks crestfallen after
me explaining I can't stay to make mad,
passionate love to her, as I need to hurry
home and sort out my stamp collection.
 (I've got my priorities in order, eh?)


  1. Jeri dropped by me very upset after you gave her the flick. I had to comfort her.. We're now very close Heh.

  2. Bad news, LH. That was actually her transgendered twin brother Gerry, who, since the operation, is practically impossible to distinguish from Jeri. After I left her to tend my stamp collection, Jeri 'phoned me and we spoke for hours - so it couldn't have been her you were with. She said she'll have a word with her twin about the horrible deception that you were subjected to. (Heh heh!)

  3. Now there's a coincidence - I love me, too.


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