Saturday 27 April 2019


Fear not, fellow Criv-ites, I'm not 'on the turn', but there's nothing wrong in having the occasional post devoted to macho manly-men who we can admire in a masculine, non-Julian Clary way.  So here's BING CROSBY, BOB HOPE and FRANK SINATRA about to play around (stop it) a round (of golf).  Not quite sure why Bing is wearing either his pajama jacket or a deck chair, but he still looks manly.  This photo is from a time when men were men and women knew their place.  What's that?  Sexist?  Me?  Not at all - I merely meant that their place was on the pedestals we men gladly put them, not down here in the gutter with us. 


  1. Times are a changin. . Just read Daleks Cybermen etc are to no longer to appear on Doctor Who. Idiots with idiotic ideas.

  2. Wouldn't surprise me if they were just trying to drum up some attention for the show, LH. When they revived Dr. Who back in 2005 (or whenever), they claimed that The Daleks wouldn't appear any more, but it was only a publicity stunt to attract media interest. In fact, as they later admitted, they'd planned to use The Daleks all along. Anyway, I'm still not watched any Whittaker episodes and have no plans to.

  3. I actually gave up with Dr Who when that Riversong got loose in the show. She is as annoying as a small dog tugging at your trouser leg. I have no intention to watch it again.

  4. The show went downhill under Steven Moffat, which surprised me, because he'd written some of the best stories when Russell T. Davies was in charge. At least Barbara Broccoli has said that James Bond will never be a woman, as has been seriously suggested by a few nut-jobs. Unfortunately, she also said that the door IS open to him being black, which presumably means it's also open to him being Asian, or any other non-white actor. It's almost as if it's a crime to be white nowadays. And before some pillock calls me a racist or a bigot, I'd be equally against a white actor playing Shaft, or Luke Cage or T'Challa the Black Panther. This 'politically correct' nonsense has to stop.

  5. My father thought Bing Crosby was terrific - and Bing died on October 14th 1977 which was just two days after my dad's 50th birthday.

    And it's almost certain that the next Bond will be played by Idris Elba or another black actor which will change the character out of all recognition. I was never much of a Bond fan fan anyway...

  6. I like a lot of Bing's stuff myself, CJ, and the 'Road' movies he did with Bob Hope are terrific, especially The Road to Morocco. As for Bond being Black (or Indian, or Pakistani or Chinese, etc.), that's when he and I part company. The creative integrity of Ian Fleming, to say nothing of decades of the character's established history should be respected and maintained. To do otherwise is pc p*sh. If it ever happens, Cubby Broccoli will be turning in his grave. There'd be a hell of a stushie (and rightly so) if a Black character in literature or film were turned white, so it should work both ways.

  7. Yes, I love the 'Road To...' movies too, Kid. Sadly those old b&w films rarely appear on the BBC nowadays.

    There is a lot of hypocrisy when it comes to changing a character's race in the movies. There was a huge fuss about The Ancient One being played by Tilda Swinton in the Doctor Strange film because she wasn't Asian (or male) but Baron Mordo was played by a black actor !!

  8. That's why I have all 7 of them on remastered DVD, CJ.

    Nowadays there's complaints when a gay character isn't played by a gay actor, but nobody minds (including me) when a gay actor plays a straight character. (Like Ben Wishaw in Mary Poppins Returns - and what a good performance he gave too.) So you're right - there is a lot of double-standards at play in these situations. Just like I said, pc p*sh.

  9. I would have thought they would have turned Bond gay first before becoming black. We could then say goodbye to the Bond girls and Hi to the Bond guys. As for me it would be goodbye to Bond period.

  10. When Daniel Craig first took on the role, he was asked by a reporter if he'd mind Bond being bisexual, to which he responded something like "Sure, why not? It's the 21st century." I assume Barbara Broccoli told him off, because when he was later asked whether Bond's response to the camp baddie in Skyfall making a pass at him ("What makes you think it's my first time?") indicated he'd previously had a gay experience, he said "Nah, Bond was just messing with his head!"

    Let's hope that remains the 'official' view, eh?


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