Saturday 28 July 2018


Probably the most stunning
woman of the 1970s is LYNDA
CARTER.  She truly is a wonder!
(I wonder when she's gonna call
 and ask me out on a hot date.)


Rip Jagger said...

Omigosh! Lynda Carter is the ideal of pulchritude, or at least she was in those days when the waifs of the 60's adoration gave way to more full-figured wonders. Still like my dames to have some meat on their bones myself. Just saw a terrible Gamera movie which for all its awfulness had three "Space Women" in it who worked overtime to evoke the essence of the great Wonder Woman from TV with a spinning move to effect their transformations. The movie had lifts from Star Wars and Superman too, but the Wonder Woman is the most alluring.

Rip Off

Kid said...

I'm torn between my lust - er, I mean appreciation - for Lynda and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Rip. When I look at the simply stunning Lynda, I think she's the best, and when I look at Gal, I waver a bit. (I think Lynda steals it when in 'civvies' though.) I'm glad I don't have to choose between them in real life, not that either of them would give me a second glance anyway.

Rip Jagger said...

It is a thorny prospect. Lynda is the Wonder Woman of my dreams, but watching Gadot play the role is an exquisite pleasure. She sells the role in an amazing fashion, no ironic glances hidden behind the facade to undermine it. It's all Wonder Woman! I'm a fan of the DC movies and am sad they don't get more raves across the world, but alas that's the way it is.

Rip Off

Kid said...

I've yet to see Gal's Wonder Woman movie, RJ, but I'm looking forward to watching it before too long. I can't help but wonder what Lynda would look like in Gal's costume, and what Gal would look like in Lynda's outfit. Someone's probably done a mock-up somewhere, which would be interesting to see.

TC said...

IMHO, the Wonder Woman solo movie and the Justice League movie were both OK. Not great classics, but not bad. Of course, I would sit through "Plan 9 From Outer Space, Part 2" if it starred Gal Gadot. (Better yet, maybe Gal could star in a remake of Devil Girl From Mars.)

Unfortunately, a lot of movie goers (who are not into comics) probably think that the DC movies are imitations of Marvel, when it's more nearly the opposite. In comics, DC came first, and practically invented the superhero genre. And, IIRC, Darkseid preceded Thanos, and the Mother Boxes came before the Infinity Stones.

In fact, the Avengers and Fantastic Four were created because the Justice League was selling well, and Marvel wanted something similar.

I remember that "Gamera-Super Monster" movie. There is a scene where one of the Space Women superheroines asks, "Is that Gamera?" And another smiles and nods and says yes. And I muttered, "Are you certain? It might be some other 200-meter flying prehistoric turtle."

I would choose Gal over Lynda in a heartbeat. Then I would wake up. And change the sheets.

As I've said before, each actress was right for the part in her respective time. Lynda was perfect for the tongue-in-cheek 1970s version, just as Roger Moore was a good choice to play Bond at that same time. And as Adam West was well suited for Batman '66. And Gal (who, IRL, is a veteran of one of the most badass armies in the world) is perfect for the darker tone of today's action movies.

Kid said...

Not seen either movie, will do some day, TC. Forgetting their Wonder Woman roles for a second, and judging them both 'merely' as beautiful women, I think Lynda just steals it for me in the 'sexiness' department. However, perhaps I just haven't seen any really good photos of Gal without her cossie on, so I'm still prepared to be flexible on the subject. The two of them are total babes though.

DC ripped off Marvel (or to be more accurate, Timely) with Aquaman, which was really just a poor imitation of Sub-Mariner, but if there's ever a Subby movie, people will probably think he's an Aquaman copy.

Lynda or Gal? Decisions, decisions.

TC said...

And when the Fantastic Four movie came out, a lot of people thought it was swiped from The Incredibles.

And if there is ever a Doom Patrol movie, people will probably think it is an X-Men knock-off.

There are a couple of videos on YouTube. One is Top 10 DC Characters Swiped From Marvel, and the other is Top 10 Marvel Characters Swiped From DC.

Kid said...

Interestingly, Arnold Drake, who created The Doom Patrol, thought that Stan had inside knowledge of the project before publication, and swiped the idea from him. I think Jack Kirby might have an opinion on that. Thanks for the link, TC, I'll have a look.

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