Friday 29 December 2017


Returning from the shops a week or two back, I stopped at a bench on the outskirts of the park near my home.  As I sat gazing into the distance and enjoying the rest, I was struck by the formation of the clouds on the horizon, which seemed to me like some vast Olympian city of the gods hovering in the sky.  In my imagination I could see tall, robed figures, their noble brows adorned with laurel wreaths, strolling leisurely amongst immense, marbled columns, untroubled by the cares and woes that so often beset we mere mortals.

The park greenery lay before me like JACK KIRBY's NEW GENESIS, while 'SUPERTOWN' floated serenely overhead.  Were they, in some benign and bemused way, studying we finite beings who live our lives in the blink of an eye compared to the eons-long span which gods are heir to?  Did they observe me looking longingly at their heavenly haven?  Did kindness touch their hearts for one brief moment and cause them to call to me, inviting me to stride the streets of their celestial city, there to spend my days in idyllic pursuits, free from the ravages of time?

Then a dog barked and, alas, the fragile spell was broken.  Returned to reality, I bent and retrieved the shopping bags which lay at my feet.  With one last lingering look at the city in the sky, I turned and slowly made my way up the hill to where, at journey's end, a far more humble home awaited me than the one which had so recently seemed to beckon. 


  1. I was walking home from work one night during the summer just as the sun was setting behind the clouds. A gap in the clouds opened up and a tube of golden light broke through-it looked incredible, I thought it was no wonder the vikings seen such things and thought the gods lived in the skies. I half expected to see Odin's gazing down at me, Kirby style.

  2. Just imagine it was the same night that I wrote the post, DS - now wouldn't that be strange? Incidentally, the accompanying photo was taken that same evening on the mobile I had at the time, so you're looking at exactly what I was looking at, which was what inspired the post.

  3. Yes the clouds can present for us all some very interesting shapes and designs. Years ago it was great fun to lay on the ground and spot the faces in the clouds. Now I can't even see them unless I have my glasses on heh

  4. I remember, many years ago, seeing a cloud on the horizon that looked like a mushroom cloud, and thinking "I hope that's not an omen!" (Guess it couldn't have been.)


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