Friday 29 December 2017


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Check out this little beauty!  No doubt costs a fortune these days (if you can find one), but no charge to see it on this blog you'll be glad to know.  Note that 007 has a badge in the shape of The MAN From U.N.C.L.E. one, but obviously he doesn't wear it on missions so that SPECTRE can't identify him.  (Well, he changes his face that often, it must be difficult to keep their files up to date.)

I've got a RED BOX version of this set (though the contents aren't exactly the same) which I bought from ARGOS around 25 years or so back.  It was originally issued in the '60s as a James Bond knock-off (the agent's number is 707), and I believe the silencer and telescopic sight were originally red, though mine are black to match the gun.  Tell you what - I'll you show you it in an upcoming post.  Don't miss it.


  1. The pistol looks like a Walther P-38, which was the U.N.C.L.E. standard issue handgun on the TV series. That, and the badge, make me wonder if the set was originally planned as a Man (and/or Girl) From UNCLE tie-in.

  2. I suspect the moulds for the U.N.C.L.E. set were simply used for the James Bond set, TC, with a little 'revision' to the badge mould. The badge was certainly based on the U.N.C.L.E. one, that's for sure. Quite appropriate, considering that Ian Fleming came up with the name 'Napoleon Solo'.


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