Friday 29 December 2017


Here's FATHER CHRISTMAS's (that's SANTA to
you and me) wife, MARY, looking all sultry and alluring
as hubby puts the reindeer away.  Better finding her than
a mince pie and a glass of milk waiting for you, eh?


  1. This seems both familiar and oddly wrong to me.
    Mindbender, the sometimes commenter on my blog, tends to send out custom Xmas cards with his artwork, typically featuring a holiday version of Mary Marvel named Mary Christmas. Your lass is just close enough, and yet not.

    I think i'll just have to stare at her for a while and let my mind get more comfortable with the association. That should sort it.

  2. Well, she's staring at us (mostly me though), so why shouldn't we stare back, eh?


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