Friday 29 December 2017


Images copyright relevant owner

Having shown you their FIREBALL XL5 BAGATELLE, it would be remiss of me not to let you see the MARX TOYS DALEKS one also.  Again, these toys go for astronomical sums on eBay and elsewhere, so unless you've got money to spare, the closest you'll ever get to them is seeing photographs on places like this 'ere bloggy-thingy of mine.  If it makes you feel any better, no - I don't have one either.


  1. I did not know what a "bagatelle" was but I had more than a few of these (not the ones you showcase, but other generic ones) as a tyke. They could be mesmerizing in the right setting.

    Rip Off

  2. I know - I've got a Yogi Bear one, and once I pick it up I don't want to put it down. Then again, I'm easily mesmerized.

  3. We had similar toys here in the states, though I barely knew these as "Bagatelle" as I think we sorta thought they were like "pinball" anyway!

  4. A rose by any other name, eh, CS? Hope you had a good Christmas.


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