Friday 29 December 2017


Images copyright relevant owner

I had this MARX TOYS FIREBALL XL5 BAGATELLE back when I was a kiddie.  Can't remember now whether I acquired it new or from a jumble sale, but I recall sitting out on my front doorstep with it as my father mowed the lawn one Summer's evening, while the first (pilot) episode of ALIAS SMITH & JONES was broadcast on BBC 1.  Funny how one memory leads to another, eh?  I saw this on eBay a while back, but it was priced a bit higher than I was prepared to pay - maybe one day.  Now, having just typed that, I have a nagging doubt as to whether it might've been the DALEKS Bagatelle I was playing with that night.  I certainly had it at one point, but - nah, the Fireball one it was, I'm fairly sure.  Anyway, if you had it too, here it is again to remind you.  Bet you'd love to own it again as well, eh?  

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