Thursday 28 December 2017


It's still the Christmas period and white outside
(well, it is where I live), so here's JIM REEVES
with a song that fits the mood of the moment.


  1. Yes, it's still Christmas and I enjoy these late December days. I hate those people who think that Christmas is just Christmas Day. And I hate being asked on December 27th "did you have a nice Christmas ?" - yes, I have already been asked that dreaded question. I coolly inform such people that Christmas is far from over!

  2. I know what you mean, CJ, but I also know what they mean. I think most of them mean "Did you have a nice Christmas Day?", but some, as you suggest, mean that Christmas is now over, which it isn't, technically speaking, 'til the 6th of January. So... did you have a nice Christmas... Day?

  3. Kid, Christmas Day was okay but as I no longer have any living family members Christmas Day is just another day during the overall festive period.

    And it was raining on Christmas Day. By contrast, last night I watched 'The Muppets Christmas Carol' on YouTube while snow was falling outside - how Christmassy is that!! - and the date was December 27th, when Christmas is over according to some misguided souls.

  4. Oops, I forgot to ask - did you have a nice Christmas...Day...Kid ?

  5. My Christmas Day was uneventful, CJ, which is just how I like it. I spent it alone (which I've done for the last 25 years or so), so slept for most of the day until the Dr. Who transgender Special. The Muppet Christmas Carol is a great wee movie - got it on DVD.


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