Sunday 23 July 2017


Remember the moment in Dr.
NO when SEAN CONNERY first utters
the immortal line "Bond... James Bond" ?
Here's how it could've looked if James had
been Jane Bond instead.  ELKE SOMMER
is certainly far prettier than big Tam, so no
way any normal guy would ever have said
 "No" to her - not even a doctor.

(Winner of 2017's Most Tenuous Pun award.)


TC said...

"Blonde...Jane Blonde."

This pic looks like an early scene from The Wrecking Crew, the last movie in the Matt Helm series. Dean Martin as a sort of American James Bond.

Kid said...

Am I right in thinking they were originally TV movies, TC, that were later given a cinematic release abroad (UK, etc)? I quite enjoyed them.

TC said...

AFAIK, the Helm movies were shown in theaters first in the US in the 1960s, when the spy-fi fad was at its peak. I think they were sold to TV networks sometime around 1970-71.

There was a short-lived Matt Helm TV series, starring Tony Franciosa, in the mid-1970s.

I know some two-part Man From U.N.C.L.E. episodes were strung together to make full-length feature movies, and I believe some of those had cinematic release in the UK and Europe. I believe the same was done with some two-part episodes of The Baron and The Saint.

Kid said...

Ah, perhaps the lower budgets made them seem like TV movies when I first saw them on TV, TC. As for The Man From U.N.C.L.E., I think about seven 'movies' were released outside the US (maybe even in the US for all I know), and new scenes were shot for some of them. One film featured Yvonne Craig, who never appeared in the two TV episodes it was cobbled together from.

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