Monday 1 May 2017


Superhero images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Because you demanded it - I've changed my socks.  Meanwhile, on the blog front, here's a mighty MARVEL calendar from over 40 years ago.  If you're around my age, that probably only feels like yesterday - if you're under 40, it must seem like prehistoric times.  Either way, I'm sure you'll all enjoy looking at these pulsating piccies.

CONAN copyright The Estate of R.E. HOWARD


  1. Great stuff. Of course, I remember this being advertised in the Marvel UK weeklies in late '75. Am I right in thinking the Bicentennial calendar was only available via mail order or was it on sale in UK shops ? But typical of me I never bought a copy - what a memento of that time it would be now. Just a thought - the April picture has Conan fighting on the side of the American revolutionaries but in REH's stories Cimmeria is roughly equivalent to the British Isles so Conan is a traitor !

  2. As a diehard fanboy back then, I used to find these kinds of things extremely annoying. On the one hand we wanted comics to be taken seriously, to be accepted as a legitimate art here were the Avengers crossing the Delaware with George Washington...or Spider-Man and Conan (Conan!) fighting off the invading hordes.

    Felt much the same about those ridiculous Twinkies ads.

    Nowadays I couldn't care less, of course.

  3. As far as I know, CJ, it was only available via mail order, but I couldn't swear to it. And remember, Conan is a mercenary, so he works for the highest payer.

  4. So did you buy a Bicentennial calendar at the time, Kid ? Or did you acquire one later ? I'm assuming you've got a copy - perhaps you haven't.

  5. Apologies, BS, your comment must have come in while I was typing my reply to CJ's. I don't think the images ever bothered me, simply because I knew they were merely symbolic. I'm surprised they didn't get Kirby to contribute to it.


    Nope, never bought a copy, CJ, don't have one now. I DO have scans of it 'though. I'll be probably put up the actual calendar pages at some stage as well.

  6. This has got me thinking, who would I choose for my own Marvel ( and DC! ) calendar?
    ....I'll get back to you....

  7. Okay, - 12 pix for a Marvel calendar, in no particular order, -
    Spidey, Hulk, FF, X-Men, Subby, Dr. Strange, Thor, Cap, Iron Man, DD, Nick Fury, Giant-Man.

  8. Now, for 12 DC's, -
    Supes, Batman & Robin, WW, GL, Flash, Atom, Hawkman, Aquaman, Superboy, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, LOSH.

    1. Swap SuperGIRL for boy, I forgot all about her until your choices!
      Superboy is already on there in the LOSH, anyway!

  9. For DC, I'd have Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Supergirl, The Flash, Challengers, Martian Manhunter, Jimmy Olsen, The Newsboy Legion, The Golden Guardian, and Deadman and The Spectre together. Your Marvel one would suit me as well.

  10. Yeah, JP, how could you forget Supergirl? Wotta honey!


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