Monday 1 May 2017


tries out her new invisible high-heeled
shoes for the very first time.  Looks like
one heel might be higher than the other -
either that, or her left leg is shorter than
her right.  (H'm, let's just say it's the
 shoes as she's a sensitive lass.)


  1. Kid, you have stop having these crushes on babes who were hot in the sixties/ seventies. Vicki is currently 72, looks like bag lady and doing jail time for trying to run over her hubbie dearest. Still, she did give Racquel a tussle for best pre-historic bikini bod.

  2. Nah, all that happened on an alternate Earth somewhere. On the one I inhabit, she's still exactly the same as she is in the photo. As for your last sentence, if only that had been a real tussle between them, I'd have paid to watch.

  3. Kid
    I hate laptops. I was giving a pithy repost to you which would have indicated that most of Richard Feynman's 1965 Nobel Winning mathematics of multiversal realities were based on Gardner Fox's mind bending authorship of Flash 127 and JLA 21. Then something went splat! Keyboard vs mouse!!!! Essentially - you have your reality and I have my reality. And like a delicious Venn diagram we occasionally intersect when I have had too much single malt and you post your likings / perversions.

  4. Nothing perverted about liking women, G1 - if you're a guy, that is. And I'm pretty sure I'm a guy.


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