Monday 1 May 2017


Superhero images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Okay, you saw the main piccies from The MIGHTY MARVEL BICENTENNIAL CALENDAR 1976 in our previous post.  Now it's time to check out the pages with the actual dates on 'em.  And remember, though this is the calendar for 1976, it actually went on sale in 1975, so it's even older than it seems.  Luckily, I still look like a teenager, so nobody'd ever believe I was even around back then.

(What?  Why are you lookin' at me funny?) 

CONAN copyright The Estate of R.E. HOWARD


  1. I don't think I had this. Because who would stock an American calendar in the U.K.? All the holidays are wrong. But I would have bought it anyway!

  2. I probably would've as well, PS, if I'd seen it. It's the sort of item any Marvelite would want if it wasn't too expensive. I remember seeing it advertised in U.S. comics, but for some reason I felt that those offers were 'out of bounds' to us Limeys.

  3. But it was advertised in Marvel UK comics and was available to buy via mail order, wasn't it ? I wonder what the quality was like - was it one of those ring-binder sort of calendars with stiff card pages that you flip right over every month or a more flimsy effort.

  4. Can I just add a PS to my response from the previous post by saying that much as I disliked these calendars, I'd have killed for merchandise like those 2ft x 3ft Steranko posters from Marvelmania, as well as the stationery, stickers, artists' self-portrait posters etc.....even an inflatable Thor pillow would have kept me happy.

  5. Can't remember whether it was or not, CJ. You must be using a small screen to view the images, 'cos I left a hint of the 'ring-binder' holes for all to see.


    Ah, now that raises the interesting question, BS - just whom would you have killed?

  6. Capricorn is like a "lost" Marvel villain- maybe from a Marvel Team-Up with Man-Thing or somesuch. Did he actually appear in a "regular" comic at all?

  7. Oh, now you're asking, Dougie, couldn't tell you. Was he one of the baddies in the Howard The Duck Treasury Edition?

  8. Capricorn could never stand up with legs like that.

  9. And bumble bees can't fly, CJ. Apparently, they're not properly aerodynamically designed.


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