Monday 1 May 2017


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

I'm not quite sure what PETER PARKER is doing here.  I know what he's meant to be doing (changing to SPIDER-MAN), but it looks more like he's attempting to master the intricacies of a flamboyant dance step, while at the same time trying to scratch an irritating itch on his back, using his shirt like bathers do when towelling themselves dry.  Still, cracking cover though.


I think I first saw this book in the Virgin Megastore in Glasgow, around the time (or not too long removed from it) it was first published.  However, my abiding memory of it is from when I saw it on sale in the Tricorn Centre in Portsmouth, back in 1981 (or possibly '85).  Funny how my second memory of it seems to be more prominent than the first.


  1. No doubt the pose was supposed to look dramatic, but it just makes it look like he's having a fit.

    When Clark Kent was shown removing his shirt and changing to Superman, he usually looked dynamic without looking spastic.

  2. I don't know about you but I always hold my feet as far apart as possible when I take off my shirt. I want to make sure I have a stable stance. Sheesh. It is dramatic but doesn't make much sense.

    Rip Off

  3. Maybe he's on a violently lurching ship, TC & RJ? Then I could just about understand his weird stance.

  4. It was moves like that which killed disco.

  5. Well, let's be honest MS - disco deserved to die for crimes against humanity.

  6. Oh be quiet - disco was great. But tell that to Barry Gibb - in an interview a few years ago he insisted the Bee Gees sang "white soul" not disco.

  7. Och, yer panties, CJ, disco was sh*te. Just look at Peter Parker there.


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