Saturday 22 April 2017


To my great amusement, I'm advised that, over on some blog, a self-confessed 'wannabe writer' is still trying to talk up a British comics industry that no longer exists (by misrepresenting the views of those who are of a different opinion), and making specious comparisons to the music, movie and TV industries that yet retain a significant presence in this country.

As I've previously gone to great pains to explain, when I say 'comics industry', I'm referring to published paper periodicals (of either weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or even yearly frequency) containing mainly comic strips, as the word was defined and accepted for decades in the minds of the general public, and as yet defined on Wikipedia and in most dictionaries.  If he could only grasp the difference between the carton and the content, he'd be a less angst-ridden little malcontent.

Books, DVDs, digital platforms, etc., containing comic strip content, are not 'comics' in the traditional sense of the word, but a different (though admittedly related) animal.  When something 'evolves' into something different, it ceases to be that which it was before.  And, when it 'evolves' into something less than it was before, then it's no improvement.  If a giant evolves into a dwarf, he's not a giant anymore, is he?

Anyway, there's no point covering every aspect of this discussion again, as it's practically been done to death.  Here's one important aspect to consider though.  See these self-published and/or digital products that some people tout as proof of today's 'evolved' comics 'industry' ?  Were there really an industry (as I understand the concept), they wouldn't exist, because there'd be little need to go down that particular route.  The existence of such things only serves to prove just what dire straits the so-called industry is really in.

The main difference is, I suppose, that these people view any and all comic strip material as being 'comics' in themselves, and they're entitled to that view.  I, however, see comic strip material as something within a comic (a published paper periodical), and though the word has been and is sometimes used interchangeably, I prefer to draw (npi) a distinction between the carton and the content.  (Like we used to do.)

Anyway, who can blame that other blogger for leaping on the bouncing bandwagon in a new attempt to stir up controversy, thereby attracting attention to his site?  If only he'd avoid being so embarrassingly ingratiating to those whom he thinks might be able to help 'grease the wheels' of his hoped-for comics career in the process, we'd be spared having to witness the sad spectacle of a sickening bit of 'brown-nosing'.  


Anonymous said...

I know I'm not supposed to mention Brexit but on this occasion it's relevant. I read a comment on another blog from an over-excited Brexit voter who actually thought that Brexit will result in a glorious revival of the British comics industry !

Kid said...

Nobody said you couldn't mention Brexit, CJ, but you seem to do so on posts where the subject doesn't spring immediately to mind. I've seen your comments on other sites too. Give me a clue to that other blog, will you? If it's not one I'd visit, give me a 'cut & paste' of the comment, will you? My usual spies are a bit slow these days. Now remember, I'm one of those bad people who want to ruin the comics 'industry' and stop kids improving their reading skills, as well as put people out of work by 'talking down' comics, so obviously I'd be really annoyed if the comics industry were to be revived. (I'm sure you recognise irony.)

Anonymous said...

Kid, the blog was your old pal L.S. - and the comment appeared in the run-up to the referendum last June. L told the commenter he was deluded. As for my Brexit comments - we remoaners will be mercilessly crushed on June 8th at which point we will never mention the subject again ever :D

Kid said...

Ah, so not a recent comment then. Not that it matters as I immediately lost interest the instant I saw those initials. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Phil S said...

I don't see any connection between Brexit and the British comic industry. Unless somehow Asterix and Tin Tin become so expensive kids have to read Desperate Dan. But you have to publish him first in order for kids to read him....

Kid said...

Desperate Dan still appears in The Dandy Annual every year, PS, so as long as kids aren't greedy, they still get to read about him every 12 months. Why DCT haven't moved the character over to The Beano weekly comic hasn't been revealed.

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