Friday 14 April 2017


Look at this little cracker of a toy.  It's a wee wind-up robot that only costs a £1 from HOME BARGAINS.  How does that even cover the cost of the deluxe box that serves as its home?  If you like retro-style toys to remind you of your childhood, then pop along to HB and buy yourself a robot today!


  1. There are also some lovely retro games in some shops like Blow Football, snakes and ladders . pick up sticks etc etc with some really nice retro (or original reprinted) art on the boxes from the 40s - 60s I picked up a couple of these and have them on display in my spare room. I got a replica wind up "Space Robot" for Xmas which has pride of place on my PC desk - Ive seen these wee toys they are really excellent value

  2. Home Bargains in particular have some great buys, PM. For instance, Hamley's in Glasgow are selling a boxed set of the new Thunderbirds craft (1-4) for around £30/£35, HB have got the same set for £9.99.

    I'm a sucker for these wee robots so I am. You ever been in The Big Top toy shop in Charing Cross? It's got a nice selection of retro tin-plated toys.

  3. I ve not actually been inside that shop Kid but I passed it one day on the way to a concert when it was closed - The retro disply of tin robots attracted my attention and I saw "my" robot there (thats where it was purchased from) and gave a heavy hint that was what I would like for my Xmas. I'm not a big toy collector (not at all really) but like a nice "ornament" toy now and then and love to see old or retro toys (I think if I started to collect these I wouldnt stop - I have a fried (of a friend really) that did that now he's hooked his garage is full of toys with the odd one in his house

  4. That, of course, is the difficulty - knowing when to stop. Never mastered it yet, which is why my house is full of stuff, some of which I've probably forgotten I even have. I assume your robot will be the one that looks like Robby from the Forbidden Planet film, but isn't identified as such for copyright reasons.

  5. Im the same with comics I ve been getting rid of 100s of them but cant seem to make a noticeable dent in my collection - I bought an old Brave and Bold recently (issue 96) only to find I already had it, I do that a lot as I have so many of the darn things.

    No my wee robot is more like a traditional looking robot (link below) I had a similar original Japanese one as a kid was looking to get another one, but the price they wanted was a joke (over £100)

  6. I've done that a couple of times myself - bought a comic to replace one I used to have, only to find when I go to put it in its alloted place that there's one there already. It's only then I remember "That's right, I got one five months back!" (Or whenever.) Off to look at your robot.

  7. Took a look. On that same page is 'Roger Robot' - bought one of them a good few years ago now.

  8. I used to love toy robots ,especially before the Daleks came out! Somebody ( cough! ) ought to do a series on their blog!

  9. I'd have to find them all first, JP. My Marx robot is on the blog somewhere - have you seen that?

    1. Yup, but now that I'm in a robot mood, no harm in another visit....

  10. He'll be pleased to see you I'm sure, JP. He's such a friendly chap.

  11. Actually, my Marx robot is a Tomy robot, my bad.


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