Friday 14 April 2017


Here's some more dosh for you to slobber and drool over, Criv-ite chums.  Don't you feel richer just looking at it?  The first two notes are from the Britannia Series, and the third from the Pictorial Series.  A mere £3 in total, but don't they somehow look worth a lot more?  (And not just because I've shown both sides of each one, making it look like you're looking at six notes instead of only three.)


  1. I was in my local bank branch a few years ago and the guy in front of me had ordered £50 worth of Bank of Scotland £1 notes = I met him later in Glasgow in a pub (casual drink waiting for a friend) and we started chatting - I mentioned to him that I was in the Bank when he got those £1 notes and whilst I knew they were still legal tender in Scotland but they are a bit of a pain to use now as folk, even in Scotland will question their use - he laughed said "thats what I want it is still legal tender and I work in London a lot so I plan to use one £1 note every day to annoy them, you should see their faces" - slightly funny and ever so worrying he went to that trouble to "stick one to them" (his words -and no he wasn't a SNP supporter I asked him) Saying that I prefer the note its easier to put in your wallet and they look nice - I contributed to a birthday sheet in my office yesterday and only had a £20 note so put in £2 (didnt know the person that well and it was about the 5th sheet in a month) and ended up with £13 in coins (12 £1 and 1 £2 coin) and a £5 note I had to distribute the coins in my jacket and trousers so as not to fall over.

  2. Usually, I don't hang on to money long enough for that to be a problem for me, PM; there's always some bill to pay or shopping to buy. Sometimes I'm given change in £1 coins with an apology - "Sorry, I've no notes left" - but it's soon spent, believe me. Yeah, notes are more convenient, as well as looking as if they're worth more than their coin equivalent. As for wallet - what's a wallet? Something you put money in? Never got enough money for a wallet to be of any use to me. Notes go in my pocket along with the coins. They don't live there 'though, they're merely making a brief visit.

  3. LOL actually I have one of those card and money clip wallets (you may have seen them in those gadget shops like "Menkind" etc) its only slightly larger than a credit card and not that thick - only hold cards and notes - but one of my favourite "things" even although it never that full.

  4. Just think - if you hadn't bought it, you'd have more money to put in it. (Duh?)

  5. I remember that £1 note with Isaac Newton on the back - is it really 34 years since it was replaced by the £1 coin ???? They say that the future of money is a "cashless society" where we all use cards instead. I've got a Halifax debit card which I sometimes use to pay utility bills over the phone and to pay for e-books etc but I still like cash and I don't want it to disappear !

  6. I don't want cash to disappear either, CJ, 'cos it's a great feeling to have money in your pocket, jingling or rustling away. I don't want published paper comics to disappear either, 'cos it's a great feeling to hold it in your hand (the comic, behave yourselves) while reading it, as opposed to looking at it on a computer screen. Yes, I know you don't share that sentiment, and I recognise the irony of extolling the virtues of actual comics on a blog that you're reading on your screen.


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