Thursday 13 April 2017


Here's a coin set by a company called COINCRAFT, containing an example of every British coin in circulation at the time of QUEEN ELIZABETH II's Coronation in 1953.  Again, not as sharp as they could be due to being scanned in their display case, but only slightly blurred.  And look at the farthing, which ceased being produced in 1956, and was finally demonetised at the end of 1960.  (I think I prefer these old coins to the decimal ones.)


  1. I always like the old threepence piece(thrupence ?) and sixpence - A a half a crown was a treat and was my pocket money when I was about 10 years old - managed to get all I wanted for that as well. I think I still have a few old coins in the loft - (not the florin though) I forgot how clunky the old 1d was

  2. I always loved getting a half crown from a visiting relative, PM, as it allowed me to buy a Summer Special when they were 2/6d.


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