Wednesday 5 April 2017


She can hardly believe her eyes as she
sees me across the beach.  "It's the famous
lifting her shades for a better look.  Yes, it's
me!  There's only one of me, so snap me up
while you can, you sensuous beauty, 'cos
 I'm a very popular young lad, so I am.


Mike said...

Wait wait, so what happened next?? Don't be shy. We want details, you sly dog.

Kid said...

A gentleman never tells, M. (So I'll write you a letter.)

Mike said...

2300 Coolbrook Court, Oviedo FL 32766 ha dare ya

Kid said...

Hope that's not your real address, otherwise you've just invited a squadron of nutters to write to you. If it is, let me know and I'll remove it.

Mike said...

Yeah it was. Funny, we have no nuts or bad people in the States. I can't imagine who would do that!

Kid said...

Want me to remove it? Or are you looking for a pen pal?

Phil S said...

he lives in Florida nothing strange ever happens there.

Kid said...

Isn't that where Man-Thing started? He was pretty strange.

Anonymous said...

Why do American addresses have such enormous house numbers ? 2300 ???

Kid said...

Because they have such enormous houses? Nah, it'll be because they have enormously long streets.

Phil S said...

Bingo. Many cities were built on the grid plan so first street literally runs from one end of town to the other. In a straight line. Btw Florida is known as the state strange things happen in. It's the state which decided the 2000 election by a few hundred votes. It used punch cards and people would argue if the hole wasn't punched all the way ... things normal people would agree upon . Also the home of Trayvon Martin the black youth who was shot dead by the so called neighborhood watch guy- who got off. That's why we joke about nothing interesting ever happens in Florida. Strange things happen there including Man Thing.

Kid said...

Interestingly, the grid-plan in America is the same as large segments of Glasgow's City Centre (which predates it), because of the many Scottish/British architects, etc., who emigrated to the States and planned much of its layout and architecture. That's why Glasgow and Edinburgh have stood in for America (and other places) in many movies.

Mike said...

Hey hey hey....are you dissing my state?? I WAS going to invite every one here over to visit the Sunshine State (ahem, my town Orlando is the #1 tourist destination on Earth) but after this bad mouthing, I am not sure. As to why my street address is such a large number, who knows, It is only 11 houses long and ends in a cul de sac. OK sorta big too, 2100 square feet, but humble.
Florida weird? Is the Pope Catholic? Partly because it is so big, partly due to lots of people, relaxed atmosphere, tons of tourists, non-homogeneous population and the rest, who knows. One thing that knucklehead Phil is wrong about is the Trevon Marin thing. It happened just a few miles from where I am now. He, a vastly larger black kid was straddling a Hispanic guy who he attacked physically, and was pounding his face with his fist after knocking him down. Z. ued a gun in self defense, end of story, as the police and jury know too.

Kid said...

Ach, you know fine well that Phil S is merely indulging in a bit of friendly banter, M. As for that shooting, I don't know all the details, but I do know that, in Britain, although you're allowed to defend yourself, using a gun on an unarmed man seems to be over-compensating just a tad. (Unless someone has broken into your house perhaps.)

Anonymous said...

Kid, I remember reading that American city planners visited Glasgow in order to study the layout.

Kid said...

There you go, CJ, we're world leaders in town and city planning, as well as obesity and heart trouble. Wha's like us?! Scotland the brave! (Oops, succumbed to bit of nationalistic pride there.)

Mike said...

"They may take away our lives, but they'll never take our freedom! " Now try that on a prancing horse with your face painted half blue, please.

Kid said...

Done it years ago! It's part of our national carriculum in schools.

Anonymous said...

Kid, I heard just recently that Scotland has the second highest obesity levels in Europe but guess who's even worse - England. When Scotland achieves SCEXIT from the UK I hope Prime-Minister Sturgeon takes away your fried Mars bars and gets you all exercising ! By the way, 'Braveheart' was utter bullsh*t - poor Mel Gibson was getting William Wallace confused with the picts. In the 13th century Scottish soldiers wore padded jackets and metal helmets not kilts and blue paint !

Mike said...

NO way! Seriously? Well that sounds very manly. Even if Braveheart was wildly inaccurate, that is a great scene.

Kid said...

Second highest? Oh no, we're slipping down the polls. What difference would Scotland leaving the U.K. make to deep-fried Mars Bars? That's our invention (yes, leading the world again), so whether we're separate or not wouldn't affect our love of good, nourishing food. And of course Braveheart was bullsh*t - it was a Mel Gibson movie.


Might've been a wee bit of humour in that particular statement. M.

Mike said...

I mentally have to use a bad Scottish accent when reading your replies. I hope you are doing the same for my classic American accent.

Kid said...

Yes, except that my classic American accent is better than your bad Scottish one. Wha's like me?!

Mike said...

Dinna ya no' hae tae speak American, laddie? I know, painful to your ears.

Kid said...

I'm fluent in all languages, as well as having won many awards for my amazing ability to tell whoppers. As for your attempt at speaking Scots - Mr Scottie from Star Trek had a more convincing accent, and he was rubbish at it. Maybe your dilithium crystals need recharged? (By Crom!)

Mike said...

At least my picture is accurate (OK my tan faded some since I had that picture taken). But we all know you are secretly Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull, not some mild-mannered yet acerbic comic blooger

Kid said...

Och, behave. You look positively anaemic next to my manly-man build. Funnily enough, I've been compared to Ian Anderson before, but I'm a much better musician - and more handsome. In fact, I'm great at everything. (Now where did I put my reality pills?)

TC said...

Mike is right about the shooting. CNN (the Clinton News Network) made it sound as if Zimmerman stalked Martin and provoked a confrontation, when it was closer to the other way around. And American law recognizes the concept of "disparity of force." That is, you can (sometimes) be justified in shooting an unarmed assailant, if you are disadvantaged in some way (elderly, handicapped, injured). Or, your attacker might be a trained martial artist, or just bigger and stronger than you are.

Zimmerman did follow Martin at a distance, to see which way he was headed, so he could tell the police. That was an error in judgment, but not criminal intent. And he had already turned back and was trying to get back to his parked truck when Martin doubled back and attacked him.

Then again, when a wannabe cop and a wannabe gangster bump into each other, there is no way it can end well.

Kid said...

I feel obliged to ask 'though, TC, just how far do you have to follow someone to know which way they're headed? Surely all you do is point in the direction last seen and say "That way!"

I suppose, in a place where guns are so easily and legally available, someone is always going to get shot.

Kid said...

Oops! That should be 'curriculum' in one of my above responses, not 'carriculum'. What am I like?

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