Saturday 4 February 2017


It's JERI RYAN - aka
Seven of Nine.  In that case,
it's six of one, half a dozen of
 the other, I suppose.


Anonymous said...

Seven of Nine was a great addition to Star Trek: Voyager (she joined in Season 4) but my only regret is that Kes (Jennifer Lien) was axed from the show when Jeri Ryan joined. Kes was a very under-rated character in my opinion.

Kid said...

I never watched the show, so don't know who that other actress is, CJ. I only became aware of Jeri when I saw a pic of her in a magazine. Wasn't Kes a bird of prey? (Klingon allusion too - I'm so clever.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, there was a film called Kes about a boy who befriends a kestrel. It came out around 1969 but I've never seen it. The Kes in Voyager was a telepath from a species where each person only lives to nine years old because they grew a lot faster or something. Anyway, Jennifer Lien was dropped from the show when Jeri Ryan joined. But at least she got a good send-off when Kes ascends to another dimension (something like that) but in Season 6 Jennifer Lien returned for 1 episode where an angry, bitter Kes comes back seeking vengeance. The episode was utter crap and in the end a dying Kes (no longer angry and vengeful) is sent off into deep space in a shuttle. What a sad and depressing end for one of Voyager better characters.

Kid said...

I think I've seen bits of the movie. My brother saw it when it first came out and then read the book - then acquired a Kestrel. Who said films, books (and comics) don't influence people? I must confess, I like the look of Jeri Ryan, so might watch an episode if one comes on TV in the future.

Phil S said...

The best characters on Voyager were the Doctor and Seven. Seven was the Spock surrogate, no emotion and learning how to be human. Making mistakes and being more lethal than necessary since she used to be Borg. The doctor was us. An artificial intelligence, he was vain, proud and developed hobbies to become more human also. There's a great episode where they hide his programming in her body and he takes over.

Kid said...

I caught a few episodes of other versions of Star Trek, PS, but I still prefer the original series, dodgy special effects notwithstanding. However, I will definitely have to check out Seven of Nine. (I'd like to hide my 'programming' in her body also.)

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