Thursday 8 December 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

There's nothing I like more than a good bit of X.  In fact, it could be said that I'm very highly Xd, but I don't like to brag.  Given my strong X drive, it's hardly surprising that this new book is right up my street.  It's seriously Xy, so you're bound to love it too.  MARVEL's X-MEN EPIC COLLECTION Volume 2 is in your local friendly comicbook store now!


  1. Beautiful book. I fondled it at my local store just the other day and dallied over whether to buy it. I still have these tales in Essential format and I'm loathe to pop for another tome, but I see the handwriting on the wall and know that it's only a matter of time.

    Rip Off

  2. I was never a fan of the early X Men until Adams started on it but fans will no doubt love it. There are so many good collections on sale at the moment - I was in Forbidden Planet in Glasgow yesterday (having a break from doing a bit of Xmas shopping) and saw 2 particularly good looking books one was " Ditko and American hero" (or a title like that) a really amazing book well put together great art repros covering Marvel and others but at £55 it's too pricey for my pocket, the other was a Kirby collection of his pencils ( Santa may be giving the the Dr Strange Ditko omnibus) .

  3. Full colour, Rip - full colour. Beats those Essential volumes anytime.


    I was looking at those very books on Wednesday, PM. There's also one about Wally Wood. And you're not supposed to be taking a break from Christmas shopping when you're in FP - you're supposed to be DOING your Christmas shopping. Nowt else for it - you'll have to ditch the burd and find one who's into comics. Never mind the heartache - she'll get over it.

  4. lol but if you get a woman that likes comics she'll end up nicking yours. She actually likes FP and thinks its a cool place (which it is) and likes the fact I like comics (she thinks its cute, no doubt that will morph into eccentric , strange and then weird). I don't even have any mates that are into comics I only ever get grieve from them over this which is a laugh as one of them is a plane spotter

  5. And I bet the other's a stamp collector, and another collects navel fluff (not just his own). Yeah, friends are weird, eh? I'm the only normal person I know. Okay, good point, you can keep the burd, but she'll have to go to a training class. (Like all women should to learn how to please their men.)

  6. lol most of my mates and myself are into the same type of music (Zepplin, Bowie, Stones. Johnny Cash, punk and some middle of the road stuff etc) and a few like myself are footy fans , if not for that they are the type of people I (and others) would avoid lol

  7. Kid, don't assume that it's only males who read comics. About 4 or 5 years ago I was in my local WH Smith's (back in the days when I still had one) and I overheard a young boy and girl (both aged about 17) who were looking at the Panini Marvel comics - it was clearly the young girl who was the comics fan. "So, why do you like these ?" I heard the boy say. "I dunno, I just do" replied the girl.

  8. I don't know anyone who's into the music I like, PM. Whatever happened to real music lovers?


    I don't assume that, CJ, but unfortunately there's not enough of them to go round.


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