Thursday 8 December 2016


What colour of Christmas do you think you're going to have,
Criv-ite chums?  As far as I know, there are only two choices -
white or blue - and neither of them is mutually exclusive.


  1. There was a horror film from 1974 called "Black Christmas" which I remember watching on TV in the early '80s. It was remade about ten years ago but I haven't seen the remake. Apparently Donald Trump and Nigel Farage are aiming for the Christmas No.1 with their new recording of "White Christmas" :D

  2. Never seen Black Christmas, either the original or the remake, CJ. Trump and Farage - sounds like a comedy double-act. Hey, I was right.

  3. Kid, I recall there were complaints to the BBC that Black Christmas was too scary and disturbing (it was a slasher-type film) and the Beeb said they would never broadcast it again so maybe that's why you've never seen it.

  4. It doesn't really sound like the kind of thing I'd watch anyway, CJ. It'll probably turn up on one of the other channels - if it hasn't already.


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