Friday 9 December 2016


There was a knock on my door last week and
when I opened it, there stood EMILY PROCTER.
"Come on in and make yourself at home" I said to her.
Well blow me down with a twirly straw, she did!  I like
my guests to be comfy, but Emily is taking me a tad too
literally, as you can see from the above photo.  (And
 she eats like a horse, lemme tell ya.)


  1. I liked her as the ordnance expert on CSI: Miami.

    But, looking at this photo, I'm admiring her other qualities besides her ability to examine the rifling marks on bullets.

  2. Three words sum her up perfectly, TC: A - total - darling!

  3. Next you'll be telling us that you'd been out having a coupe of drinks, got home late, and was ready for bed when suddenly there was this tap, tap, tap on the bloody window...

  4. Well, once upon a time I might have told you a tale like that, but - nevermore!

    (Originally posted 10 December 2016 at 11:55.)


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