Thursday 1 December 2016


Here's Der BINGSTER with a nice little Yuletide song
for all you Christmassy-Crivvies.  Sing up at the back now.


  1. One of my "traditions" at this time of year is to buy a bottle of Bailey's Irish cream which I drink in the first week or so of December. I've just bought this year's bottle - coffee flavoured. I also bought two of the Panini Marvels from Tesco that I mentioned recently - for some reason they only sell Spider-Man, Avengers and Wolverine & Deadpool so I bought the first two. My first period of reading Marvel comics lasted nine years from November 1974 to late 1983 and now my second period of reading Marvel comics has also lasted nine years - from November 2007 to now. I also bought a box of shortbread, a bottle of rum and a book called "Hello, Is This Planet Earth ?" by the astronaut Tim Peake which is just photos he took from the international space station. And yes, I do love that Christmas feeling :D

  2. I don't know that I have any Christmas traditions as such, apart from the obvious ones of putting up the tree and decorations, and sending a few cards, etc. So, CJ, are you planning on passing the 9 year watermark and continue to read Marvel comics for a bit longer, or, having equalled your previous record, are you going to call it quits?

  3. Kid, I intend to keep reading - it only occurred to me yesterday that it was nine years since I started buying Marvel comics for the second time. In fact, that's why I bought those Panini comics this morning - just so I could equal the previous nine year period. Another Christmas tradition of mine is that I always buy the Royal Mail Christmas stamps (first class of course). Did you know that they alternate every year between a religious theme and a secular theme ? Last year the stamps had a Nativity design so this year they are secular - a robin on the first class stamps.

  4. I used to buy the Christmas stamps every year as well, CJ, but I can't remember if I bothered the last couple or so years. I've got some Christmas stamps from the '60s that remind me of when I was a kid, and they're hard to beat in the memories of the season they conjure up. I like robins so will probably buy them this year.


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