Thursday 1 December 2016


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Here's a trio of books from 1978 that you might want to add to your collection if you're into such things.  They're novelisations of three classic UNIVERSAL horror movies, and are faithful to the films that inspired them.  They likely pop up on eBay from time to time, so if you'd like to own them, that would be the place to start.

I started reading The BRIDE Of FRANKENSTEIN on a coach trip to Portsmouth in 1981, but I got this three paperback set from a jumble sale in a church (now demolished) across the street from one of my old houses in the early '90s ('91 I think).  Great little reads, and worthy additions to any bibliophile's personal library.

Hunt them down now!


  1. Carl Dreadstone was Ramsay Campbell :)

  2. Actually, Ramsey Campbell only wrote The Bride of Frankenstein out of this three, as Carl Dreadstone was a 'house' name for the publishers. He also wrote The Wolfman and Dracula's Daughter, but I don't have them. I think there were six books in the series in all, all credited to Carl Dreadstone, but other authors wrote the other three.

  3. I figured "Carl Dreadstone" was obviously a house name (like Maxwell Grant, Kenneth Robeson, Grant Stockbridge, et al.). But I didn't know whether it was one ghost writer or several on the Universal horror books.

  4. I've never even heard of these. Something to look for. Werewolf of London in particular and Dracula's Daughter seem interesting as I wonder if there are more details about the back stories.


    Rip Off

  5. Walter Harris wrote The Werewolf of London and The Creature from the Black Lagoon, TC,but nobody seems to remember who wrote The Mummy.


    The U.S. editions are reputed to be particularly nice, Rip, with stills from the films in each book. Ramsey Campbell wrote an introduction for the six of them, even 'though he didn't write all the novelisations.


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