Thursday 1 December 2016


Characters copyright respective owners

Here's a couple of books I came home with recently that are sure to be of interest to all you cavortin' Criv-ites who look back on the 1960s with great fondness.  BATMAN Meets The GREEN HORNET and The MAN From U.N.C.L.E. are sure to delight and entertain you, and hey - that's what comics are all about.

Both publications are collected editions of six individual issues of each title, and would make nifty additions to your already straining bookshelves, so get yourselves around to your nearest comicbook store and buy them both today!


  1. There's also digital versions of the just-completed Batman '66 meets Steed and Peel (They couldn't use "The Avengers" for trademark reasons) and currently-ongoing Batman '66 meets Wonder Woman '77, both of which will be printed in comic book and trade paperback form.

  2. Yup, and you can bet your sweet bippy that I'll be recommending them here, BR, once they're out between covers. (Which are hardback in the case of the two here.) I believe they all first appeared in digital form, and I featured the cover of the first comicbook issue of Batman '66 meets Steed & Peel a while back. Nostalgia rules, eh?

  3. Wowsers! What fascinating cross-overs! When I saw the thumbnail & title to this post, I thought that an old TV Tornado annual had been reprinted!
    Is the Green Hornet tale an adaptation of the TV 2-parter? I remember this fondly as an exciting event and caught a repeat of it on the telly a few years back. ( The missus groaned all the way through, but she just didn't GET what a big deal it was! )

  4. Haven't yet read the Green Hornet one, JP (reading the U.N.C.L.E. one at the moment), but I think it's an entirely new story. I wonder if Batman will meet Bond at some stage in the future?

  5. The Batman-Green Hornet comic is a new story, although it has references and allusions to their previous meeting in the TV episodes.

  6. Thanks, TC. I'd wondered if there would be a reference to their TV meeting if it were a new story, so it's nice to hear that there is.

  7. I read the Green Hornet cross over at the library!

  8. And what would be your esteemed review of said publication, PS?

    1. I enjoyed it. For the right price I would buy it. I'm glad they publish all ages super hero comics. I like horror and Rich Corben but not mixed with characters created for children.

  9. Yeah, I sometimes wonder why publishers can't seem to do all-ages superhero comics anymore. It worked in the '60s & '70s.

  10. @John Pitt The Batman/Green Hornet tale is a sequel to the two-part episode "A Piece of the Action"/"Batman's Satisfaction".
    The big problem was not being able to get the rights to use Roger C Carmel's (Colonel Gumm's) likness, hence the mask when he wasn't in disguise (which Colonel Gumm used several times in the original episodes)
    BTW, "Roger C Carmel" is the answer to the trivia question: "Who is the ONLY actor to play a villain opposite Batman, Captain Kirk, and the Green Hornet?"
    (Roger was Harry Mudd in three Star Trek episodes, two live-action, and one animated!)

  11. Did they try to get the rights to the Carmel's likeness, BR? They obviously didn't have the rights to the U.N.C.L.E. actors as the artist made a point of avoiding Vaughn's dimple and changing the colour of McCallum's hair.

  12. Carmel was also on The Man From U.N.C.L.E. twice (once as a good guy, once as a corrupt cop working for T.H.R.U.S.H.), he was one of the enemy spies in The Silencers, and he was a villain in an episode of Voyage To the Bottom of the Sea. So, he also played bad guys opposite Napoleon Solo, Matt Helm, and Admiral Harriman Nelson.

    It terrifies me no end that I actually know this stuff.

  13. It terrifies me that I'd forgotten this stuff, TC. My memory gets worse every day. I'm sure I've seen him in a few other things as well.


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