Wednesday 7 December 2016


This sure looks to me like VICTORIA VETRI
hatching from an egg.  I've been misinformed about
the facts of life.  (I thought when the stork brought
 them, they were pre-hatched and ready to go.)


  1. When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth again. Would you believe she found the hatched brontosaurus egg and climbed inside it for shelter from the rain. Then the mother dinosaur came back, and thought she was a baby dinosaur.

    No I am not making this all up. And, no, I am not on drugs.

  2. Don't believe you, TC. You're making it up - and you're on drugs. That sort of stuff never even happened on The Flintstones. (What's that? The writers were on drugs? Okay, I'll believe that.)


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