Wednesday 7 December 2016


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

Continuing our Crivens super series of spectacular splash pages, now ain't that a kick in the head?  CAPTAIN MARVEL gives it to The CONTROLLER, big-time, in a no holds barred, no punches spared, and no kicks left out fight-fest that's sure to have left at least one of them with a headache.   A JIM STARLIN (pencils) and AL MILGROM (inks) power-packed presentation.


  1. Mar-Vell's the Draymond Green of comics.

    Rip Off

  2. Now I'm going to have to Google Draymond Green. (Oo-er! Why does that sound a bit rude?)

  3. Err I Googled him and stil have no idea what that means (liked the comment that at 6ft 7in he is an undersized defender!!??) anyway its only Basketball.

    I like the lettering in this page - Capt Marvel for me was always a character that never reached his potential he must also have had the most make overs / re do's etc (including a change of sex and of course death) of any character out there

  4. Sorry for the delay in replying, PM, was occupied all day. The Starlin issues were perhaps the closest that the character came to been 'done right'. Killing him off sort of suggests that they really didn't know what to do with him in his present form and that they wanted to clear the stage to have another stab at it.


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