Thursday 14 July 2016


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

This one's a real turkey.  The figure of REPLICUS is awkward, distorted even, and the size of his right foot doesn't match his left.  Former KIRBY assistant MARK EVANIER has expressed uncertainty that the rejected page is even by Jack and, in doing so, thereby demonstrates that one can sometimes be too close to a subject to be truly objective.  One could argue that Jack's autograph is the last word on the matter, but not necessarily so.  If he was attending a comics convention and was presented with a page to sign that looked like his work, unless he had cause to doubt its authenticity, he would've smiled and added his mighty moniker. 

Signed or not, however, it's clearly pencilled by Jack (and inked by VINCE COLLETTA), but it's undoubtedly a 'Kirby Kock-Up' that STAN LEE was correct to reject in favour of a cobbled together cover using enhanced panels from the interior issue.

(Incidentally, the original art for the cover still exists, and Jack's pencils can be seen under Vinnie's inks.)


  1. The drawing is so horribly awkward that I also don't think it's an original Kirby cover. I've seen just about everything Jack drew since the 50's and that looks like several poses poorly stuck together.

  2. I doubt it, Fred. Jack did sometimes draw awkward poses and there are other examples of it in his work. I'd say it's exactly what it appears to be - not one of Jack's best efforts. And the fact that the published cover WASN'T an original one, but cobbled together from internal panels, tends to support the view that Stan rejected the one Jack drew.

  3. Looks like nice Colletta inks though.....there may have been some backgrounds, but given its finished Colletta, we'll never know. I think its Jack too....but obviously not one of his best!

  4. Indeed, S64. Though I'm sure we all forgive him for occasional clunkers such as this, given all the great art he provided us with down through the years.


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