Friday 15 July 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

I've got all of these stories already, but I can never resist the allure of a brand-spanking new collection of classic comics, and the recent DAREDEVIL EPIC COLLECTION certainly fits the bill in that department.  Read the spiel on the back cover, then steal your wife's Bingo money that she keeps in the cookie jar on top of the fridge (she'll only waste it on frivolities), race around to your nearest comics shop and buy yourself a copy.

Hey, I've just noticed that my skin has turned purple.  (If you're a DD fan, you'll know what I'm talking about.)  Let's see if it works.  "Go and buy this book now!"


  1. Personally I was a big fan of the Ani-men. Hey stop recommending stuff to buy I need money to pay bills. I bought the Captain Britiain collection after you reminded me......

  2. Did you buy the Omnibus, Phil, or the 5 softcover editions?

  3. It was the one with the Black Knight reprints. Which were much better than Cap's stories. I never got to the end of the Merlyn storyline originally so I'm glad I read it.

  4. Always good to finish a storyline, even years later, eh?

  5. I had Daredevil #21 and I think I also had #20, but not both issues at the same time. Years later, I did have both chapters/episodes/whatever when they were reprinted in Marvel Triple Action #1 and #2. (It was that two-part story where the Owl kidnaps Murdock and the judge.) IIRC, they were also reprinted in B&W in a Lancer paperback book, and in Marvel Masterworks and Essentials volumes. It may be one of the most often reprinted DD stories. At least, of those from the Silver Age.

  6. I've never had the original issues, TC, but I remember the stories from The Mighty World Of Marvel back in the '70s. (I may actually have read them in Smash! back in the '60s, now that I think about it. I'll have to check.) I've also got MTA #1, as well as the Masterworks reprintings. (And, of course, I've now got the Epic Collection.)


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