Wednesday 13 July 2016


Here's a theme you're bound to like.  If not, I offer a full refund guarantee.  Of course, as it didn't cost you anything, your refund will comprise of nothing, but it's the thought that counts.


  1. Philip Crawley14 July 2016 at 04:24

    Love the original arrangement of this one by the late, great Monty Berman. Along with Edwin Astley they were responsible for some of the themes on many of my favorite ITC series, such as Randall & Hopkirk, Department S, The Champions, The Baron, Danger Man, The Saint etc. Hearing these (originals) transports me right back to the 70s when I used to stay up late to catch them here in Aus.

  2. Other great themes were Man In A Suitcase, The Persuaders, The Prisoner, The Avengers, etc. And 'though a different kind of show, The Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe. I'm a child again when I hear them, PC.

  3. I like David Arnold's reworked theme for the Paul McGann Dr. Who ausio plays and I always liked his album of Bond theme cover versions.

    I like this but it doesn't quite capture the mournful quality of the original.

  4. I think if you hear the instrumental version of it (which is what they used on the Vic & Bob series), then it's pretty good at capturing that mournful quality, Dougie. In fact, at first I thought it was a reworking of the original theme, until I listened to the original one again. Even now, when I hear the instrumental version (of this new one), I see the original TV show's titles in my mind.

    Got that same Arnold Bond album - nice. He's the only guy so far to capture the mood (in his soundtracks) of the Bond movies in the same way that Barry did, without doing a slavish impersonation of him.


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