Thursday 9 June 2016


Seeing as we've been looking
at her recent comicbook adventures,
let's take a long, lingering look at the
lovely lady herself.  I give you - the
stunning LYNDA CARTER.


Anonymous said...

My only exposure to DC in the '70s came from the Batman and Wonder Woman TV shows - I saw Lynda Carter being interviewed on TV a few years ago and she still looked fantastic.

Kid said...

Doesn't she just, CJ. Cracking looking woman.

Phil said...

Lynda is part Mexican. I'm not sure when they chose her if they knew, but it goes perfectly with the look of Wonder Woman's Classical Greek origins.
Gal Gadot similarly looks the part.
An actress I was on the fence for was Adrienne Palicki who did that aborted Wonder Woman tv pilot with the blue pants. She is tall and athletic and beautiful but it looked like Adrienne Palicki in a wig.
She's worthy of a post, she played Mockingbird in Agents of Shield.

Kid said...

Lynda steals it for me every time, Phil. AP may well appear in an upcoming Babe post, so stay tuned.

DeadSpiderEye said...

Did the photographer catch her between takes while she was taking a break under the Los Angles sun, it looks like she's not wearing her erm, padding.

Kid said...

Nah, I think perhaps she's just relaxed a bit. Having said that, DSE, she still looks mighty fine to me. And remember, no one's ever going to push her out of the way to get to you. (It would be different in my case of course because I'm incredibly handsome and sexy.)

DeadSpiderEye said...

Relaxed a bit, flippen 'eck, looks like a circus tent's collapsed there's so much crumpled linen there.

Kid said...

Ah, but if she stood up straight, her glorious bosom would no doubt salute the sky. So she comes up to you in a bar, obviously interested. (I'm out of town that day, otherwise you wouldn't get a look-in.) Would you say "You're looking a bit saggy, luv, so I'll pass!"? Course you wouldn't.

DeadSpiderEye said...

Oh I dunno, I'm a bit fussy you know, would I pass on Lynda Carter though? Course I wouldn't, I jump on her if she had a sack over her head. Thinking on it, that's just about the only way I'd get near her, now where did I leave that balaclava.

Kid said...

Actually, DSE, the only way you'd get near her is if YOU had a sack on YOUR head! (You just gotta face the facts.)

DeadSpiderEye said...

Actually I reckon I could get pretty close, I'd have to lose the beer gut to see what she was up to though.

Kid said...

Her bosom, your beer-gut - you're still going to be too far apart for any snogging.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Lynda Carter a former Miss USA ?

DeadSpiderEye said...

I've just found Lynda's vital statistics when she entered Miss America (properly Miss World America, according to the source) they were 37-21-36. No reference to cup size though, but with those shoulders, I thinking nothing that's going to give a decent blancmange any trouble in a wobble contest.

Kid said...

Yup (or some such contest) - as was Lee Meriwether, CJ. (Oh, look - DSE has just identified it.)


And I've just found her undergarments from the last time she visited. (NURSE! Reality pill - quick!)

DeadSpiderEye said...

Okay, Lee Meriwether or Lynda Carter?

Kid said...

Either/or. (Preferably both.)

Phil said...

There were apparently two versions of the costume, the WW 2 version and the 70s version. One was more revealing than the other but I don't know which. But I like the eagle more than the W.

Kid said...

There's a pic on the blog somewhere of Lynda in the '40s costume, Phil. It had big pants. (That's the British meaning of pants, not the American one.)

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